"Thanks for the flower though" Peter said smirking and teleported back to his princess.

She was turning dark...and fast. Her lips instead of blue were now black, her dirty blond hair had started to turn black as well.

"You should just let her turn dark Peter" Felix says looking at Charlie hopelessly. Peter paused for a moment to think.

Maybe he should let her turn dark...all of her innocence gone, a dark twisted girl replacing her. A girl just like Peter, dark and wicked...

But Peter didn't want that, at least he didn't think he did. She was changing him, changing his dark and twisted ways into pure intentions. But...if he continued that she could destroy him...if she didn't love him then he would be hurt, weak and vulnerable, she could be the end of him. Peter froze and sighed, he made his decision.


Peter hid the flower inside his thinking tree, petrifying it so it wouldn't die. He felt someone calling to him and teleported back to his tree house.

Felix was gone...and there stood Charlie....jet black hair, her clothing turned to black as well, a tight fitting black leather dress with leather boots. Her lips looked as if she had black lipstick on, and her eyes had a deeper looking color to them and she magically developed black eyeliner and dark eyeshadow...Peter couldn't help but smirk as he looked her over. She was beautiful.

"What do you want?" She snapped at him.

Peter smirked at her, flashing his signature grin.

"Why you of course" He said simply.

"Of course but you can't have me, your lucky you aren't dead" She said lifting up her hand. Imediately Peter was lifted into the air clutching his throat, he kept smirking as his legs was dangleing out from underneath him.

"Tell me, whats to stop me from killing you right now?" She asked in menacing voice, her eyes have a faint red tint to them.

"Because I want the same thing you do...to kill the Evil Queen" Peter said with an evil grin. Charlie continued to stare into his eyes, she tightened her invisible grip on his throat. And then in she disappeared with a black puff of smoke.

Peter dropped to the ground coughing and rubbing his throat, where a burn mark had appeared.

"Pan" Felix said helping Peter up.

"She's powerful" Peter remarked healing his burnt up throat.

"You let her change?" Felix asked surprised.

"Of course I did. I can't have her interfering with my plans" Peter said straightening himself up.

"I thought I would warn you Pan...the darkness, it could kill her. You told me once she has a pure heart, so pure it glows with light and light magic. Well, if the darkness reaches her heart...it could eaither turn it or crush it with it's power...she's fighting opposites. Born with light magic and to turn dark. It's a lot for the girl" Felix explained leaning on his staff.

"Why didn't you tell me this?!" Peter growled at Felix.

"The girl has messed with your head Pan, it's better off for all of us if she's dead" Felix said back. Peter gave him a death glare and dissappeared into thin air with a dark puff of smoke.


The girl had landed on the cove, angry and in pain. Her chest hurt with an unbearable pain. She was mad at Peter for doing this to her.

She screamed out in pain clutching her chest as she felt something squeeze her heart. She turned around and saw him.

"You" She growled about to blast him with dark magic when she fell to her knees in pain. She blinked and when Peter looked into her eyes they we're going back and forth between her normal shade of pale blue and red.

28 Years in NeverlandWhere stories live. Discover now