Chapter Fifty ; During

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"What do you mean?" I asked Clarissa, trying push aside how much I wanted to join her in the shower. She let her head fall against the tile wall with a thud.

"I don't know.. I could be insane.." She paused. "No, I am insane."

"You're not insane," I said firmly. If she was even the slightest bit insane, I would belong in an asylum, judging from the thoughts I've been having lately. 

She threw her head back and laughed. "Oh, you're funny. But.. I can, I don't know, feel it. Like in the movies, you know? That gut feeling you get when someone's about to get killed in a horror film."

My mouth dropped open and twitched. "You think.. you think someone's going to die?"

She looked away from me. "I didn't say that."

"You didn't not say it." My jaw set on an uncomfortable edge, butterflies in my stomach mutating into hornets. 

Claire turned off the water and slid over to me, looking me dead in the eye. "No one is going to die, Harry. That's way too far-fetched."

I raised my eyebrow, my hands grazing her hips. "My whole life has been far-fetched."

A small smile played on her mouth. "Don't."

"Don't what?" I pressed my forehead to hers, careful about not slipping on the wet floor.

"You're teasing me, now," she answered in a hushed tone, pressing her soaked body against my dry skin.

"Am I?"

Her gasp was muffled against my chest when I clamped my hands on her inner thighs. I knew exactly what drove her crazy and I planned on carrying them out. Hopefully I would be able to take her mind off of these things.

I smirked when I heard her moan softly, getting a bit more limp in my arms. 

"Can't I at least get a towel?" she asked lazily.


"But I'm drenched-"

I cut her off, taking her mouth in mine and shoving my tongue in it before she could respond. She stumbled backward, breathing heavily as I caught her and hugged her to me. I grinned. "Let's take this to the bedroom, shall we?"


Clarissa's P.O.V. 

I was incredibly hyper and jittery. Very un-Claire-like, I know, but I just did something I had never done before and it was hot, to say the least.

Harry smirked at me through the corner of his eye every time I glanced at him through the cab ride to my old house. 

"What?" I'd demand hastily, but he'd just laugh and look away. I couldn't help but grin like an idiot, though. He sat awfully close to me, our legs touching, his elbows resting on his knees and staring blankly out of the cab window with a small smile. My hands were still trembling.

"What else do you plan on doing today?" he asked casually, his eyes flickering from the window to me.

I swear he could hear my heartbeat, it was so loud. 

"Mm, Jonah mentioned something about helping Max with the wedding cake," I answered absentmindedly. If there was one thing Max was good at, it was picking out various foods.


"Not really," I said, "Max is incredibly indecisive about this stuff."

"I'd help, but Luke wants me to assist him with invitations," Harry replied with a groan. 

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