Chapter Five ; Safe At Last

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Louis caught cab to take me to his hotel room when I told him I didn't want to go home.

"Why? Aren't you just about exhausted?" he asked.

"If Robbie or Jonah saw me like this, they would either have a heart attack or send me to prison." I sighed. At least Jonah is more understanding than Robbie is, but they would still murder me and not have second thoughts. 

"Oi. When we get to my place I'll get you cleaned up, m'kay?" 

I smiled and nodded, picking off some of the mud on my jeans. The stains would probably never come out. I was alright with that. Just like how this night stained my mind; it will never come out. 

I only just now thought of how I looked: dried blood on my face, mud covering my whole body, and hair simply a rat's nest. This made me blush the instant I thought about it, which seemed to amuse Louis because when I glanced over at him he was grinning at me.

I tugged my hair to the side so it looked somewhat better, and almost jumped when I felt Louis' thumb on my face. He had licked his finger and was trying to get some of the blood off, still smiling. How could he like me this much when I looked like, well, this?

"I had no idea you were so self-conscious."

My eyes flickered back to him. Easy for you to say, I thought. You're not the one being smitten with a huge pop-star whom you might actually have a chance with, if you don't blow it.

"Normally, I'm not," I said. "But normally I'm not wanted for money or liked by a talented, gorgeous guy, either." He turned in his seat so that he was sideways, and his grin got even bigger. "You think I'm talented and gorgeous?"

I leaned in and ran my hand through his hair and added, "With great hair." 


I entered Louis' hotel room and did a double-take. It was big, to say the very least. White walls, white carpet, red furniture.. a full-blown kitchen and a hallway that led to his bedroom. 

"Lord," I started, then looked back at him. "You have this all to yourself?"

"All of the band members do. It's only temporary, we'll be leaving-" he cut himself off. "Well, let's not worry about that now."

My heart sunk, making me look at the ground. For a moment I forgot that he was a huge singer and was on tour. The next time I would see him would probably be Christmas break, and that would be if I'm lucky. 

I crossed my arms, shivering. I was still cold. I moved my wrist a little and pure agony shot up my arm and made me gasp. "Jesus," I muttered. It hurt like nothing else. 

"What's wrong?" 

I shook my head. "I don't know. They were chasing me and I tripped. I heard it crack but wasn't really concerned," I paused, grimacing. "Until now."

Louis closed his eyes and rubbed his forehead. "The things I'm going to do to them if I ever see their ugly faces again.."

I didn't reply. I hope he would never see their ugly faces again; no offense, but they were about twice his size and Talon's biceps were bigger than Louis' face. 

He made his way into the kitchen and pulled out a first-aid kid, opening it and pulling out a huge roll of bandage. "I'll help you put this on it later. But for now.."

He ran down the hall, so I assumed that I should follow him. He led me to a huge bedroom, with clothes thrown all over the place and bags of chips scattered all over the floor. I covered my mouth but still laughed.

Paper BirdsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon