Chapter Seventeen ; Sink Or Swim

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"You're sopping wet," Harry told me, looking at me then the damp spot on his shirt where he had held me. "I can see what color your bra is."

I look down, blushing furiously when I noticed he was right. I probably shouldn't wear black under white anymore. "Sorry."

Harry smirked. "It's fine. For me." He opened one of the drawers to his dresser and tossed me a t-shirt and a pair of sweatpants. I set them on the bed.

"Thanks. Now turn around and close your eyes." He did as he was told. I turned around so I wasn't facing him, peeling off my white camisole that was clinging to my skin and making me feel rather umfortable. I ripped off my wet jeans that did the same, then kicked off my converse and the sticky socks that went with them. Turning around to grab the shirt that he gave me, I found that we were face to face. His green eyes and shirtless figure shocked me for a second, but I kept calm. "That's not being a good boy, now is it?"

"I don't want to be a good boy," he whispered, the side of his mouth curling into a grin. 


The next thing I knew we were on the bed, kissing. Part of me wanted to stop, knowing it was wrong, but even I did I wouldn't be able to; he was on top of me, his size wouldn't allow me to be free. And the other part of me never wanted it to stop. His lips trailed up my neck and back to my lips, his hands queezing my hip bones. I let him take over me; something I didn't even let Jared do.

And then someone opened the door to the room and ruined everything.

"Awe, shit," I heard Max mutter with a laugh, slamming the door shut. I heard the hall erupt with laughter when he shouted, "Come back later people, they're gettin' it on!"

"Dammit," Harry mumbled into my shoulder. "Every time." 

I scrambled to the edge of the bed, grabbing Harry's clothes that he gave me and throwing them on. Harry put on his shirt and went to the door, cracking it open. "Is there something you wanted?" I peeked out through the crack to see Niall, Zayn, Max and Jonah. Jonah was red but the rest were still laughing. At least Jonah had a trace of maturity still left in him. 

"Uh, yeah," Max managed, still giggling. "Jonah wanted to talk to you, Clairedy."

"I came to ruin whatever was goin' on in there," Zayn confessed, panting from laughter. Niall nodded in agreement but was still chuckling. 

Harry ruffled Niall's hair. "Get out of here, ya goons." Jonah pulled me out into the hallway. He and Max stared at me for a moment, then nodded at each other. I saw Max smirk and immediatly I went into fight or flight mode, trying to squeeze in between them. They caught me by the shoulders and Max hoisted me up of his head and swung me around so his shoulder was digging into my stomach.

"What the hell are you doing?"

He shoved me into the elevator, Jonah following.

"We're taking you home."

"What?" I shouted, trying frantically to get out of Max's grasp. It doesn't help that he plays college football.

"You're seeing a therapist tomorrow," Max said, tightening his grip on me.

"What?" I shouted even louder, squealing all of the way to the cab. Jonah paid the driver a couple extra bucks, probably because of all the ruckus I was causing.

"You need one. Badly."

"No, I don't! Jonah?"

He nodded in agreement.

"Jonah! Tell him no!"

Jonah said nothing, just staring out the window. I shoved Max into Jonah, my anger getting the best of me. This was my last day with Harry for, like, a month and they were taking it away from me?

Jonah rubbed his arm where it was hit. "See? This is why you need a therapist."

"I hate you. I hate you all. I hate everything."

There was a long silence, nearly driving me into insanity. 

"So," Max started, his lips curling into a devious smile. "Is he good in bed?"

I turned my head to him slowly the most with the most disgusted expression I could come up with. We were all quiet until Jonah started laughing his ass off, then Max. Despite everything that was happening, despite my life turning to a blackhole of crap, I couldn't help but laugh with them.


Sorry for the short chapter. And all of the spelling mistakes [ which I fixed for the most part (: ]. I was kind of in a rush, sorry~

The next chapter will make up for it, I promise. <3

Paper Birdsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें