I need her so much. She's my everything. She's the love of my life. She's the only girl i will fell in love with everyday.

I just can't hold it anymore. Seeing m'lady mad at me is making me sad.
You know what, I'll do something she won't regret tonight. Tonight must be special.

she flips her bangs and stare at the target. She started to aim and suddenly throw it out of nowhere. Wow, how could she be that fast?

"Are you just going to sit there and watch?" she said teasingly. Oh you want to play a game then.

"Let's spare, Hiccup." she says with a seduced voice I'll never get tired of.

I grin and grabbed my sword that is attached to my armor before. I look at Astrid carefully and studying her moves. I must win, I can't lose from a girl. Especially lose from MY girl. She looks at me and smiled evily. She's using her axe as her weapon. Fair enough...

Then we started to fight. I raise my sword up but she blocked it. She started to attack with full of force then swing at my legs making me stumble back then fell and my sword also fell. Geez, Astrid never gets old.

She point her axe to my neck and mutter something. But I know what she says. "I win"

Oh no that's not the end. We started to fight again and I win. The next round will show who's the winner.

She shove me down and started to do tricks with her axe, which is stupid and waste a lot of time. Or maybe she just wanna act cool infront of me.

I jump up and strike at her when she's not even ready for it. I swing at her legs, she jumped. I swing at her head, she ducked.

But then I did the most weirdest thing I ever see. I kick her body and she fell. When she fell I grab her axe and my sword and pointing it to her neck. "I win" She doesn't say anything but stands up anyway.

When she stood up, I throw her axe and my sword away. Then I kiss her. She looked shock as you can see her face got redder and mouth still parthly open.

I kiss her slow and steady. But she doesn't seem to kiss me back, which i hate it for. Well, at least I could kiss her. She's mine, m'lady. Out of the blue, she kisses me back. Great Odin, finally!

I guess we all just need some time

Her face got redder in any seconds. I push her slowly to the ground making me on top of her. I rest my hands on her waist and she started to fidgeting with my hair.

I kiss her neck making her moan. She's killing me. Then I trail up and kisses her face all over, teasing her. Making her grunt in annoyance. I chuckled and kiss her lips once again.

Then I suddenly realise what position and what we are doing. Me on top of her.
I think she realise it too because she push me slightly and blushed. "That was..."

"amazing." I complete her sentence even though i knew she will never say that.

She grab her axe while I grab my laying sword. I kiss her cheek and offer my hands to her. She didn't hestitate to accept my offer and we walk together back to Berk.
When we're there, I felt something like missing. It's like I'm supposed to do something in the woods but I don't even remember.

I saw Fishleg ran toward us. He grab my shoulders and shaking me. Making my hand seperate with Astrid's. "Did you found it?" he ask between his breaths. Found it? Found what?

Then it hit me like a thousand of thunder to my head. His book! Thor, why did I  forget that?

I look to my side seeing Astrid smiles. What?

She grabbed something from her back and it reveal a book. Wait is that?

"My book! Oh great Odin, thank you Astrid!" Fishleg says grabbing the book from m'lady's hand and ran toward his house. Is that book really that important to him? Or maybe he discover a new tricks for dragons, and he need that book so he can write more informations about it.

"Where did you found it?" I asked confused. How come she sees it?

"Oh well, when I was practicing my axe. It was located near a rock, good thing I hit my axe there so I can see there's a book which I pressume is Fishleg's."

I chuckle and pick her up in bridal style. "Hey let me go!" she laughs

She's so beautiful, so strong. I love her.


I bring her to the dragon sanctuary
We immediately spot Toothless and Stormfly playing. Aren't they perfect or what?!

I put her down and soon be greeted by a slime lick of a dragon. "Toothless!" I chuckle and pat him in the head.

I look right to see my Astrid mount her dragon. I grin and do the same. I turn to her again. I smiled.

"Wanna go for a ride?" she nods happily and took off without telling. I grin and soon enough we were flying together in the beautfiul sunset of Berk.


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My longest chapter in this book hehe

sorry for long update
well its better than nothing

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