Chapter Four

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"Hey! What are you doing in the gym?" Augustus asks interrupting Brad and I.

"Hey Augustus," I say looking up at him.

"We were kicked out of Coach Cliffords," Brad shrugs.

"Sunshine, I never took you as a trouble maker," Augustus says with a grin on his face. "Anyway, you guys going to hang around and watch me slay try outs?" He asks with so much enthusiasm.

"Su-" Brad cuts me off.

"We're actually on our way to the library. Sunshine here is going to show me some of her sick drawing skills," Brad explains.

"Sick, well don't have too much fun in the library," Augustus teases and rolls his eyes.

We head to the library, and Brad opens the door for me. I feel like this is one of those romantic books my grandma read when I was a kid. No one has been this nice to me outside of my brothers.

"Oh Bradley, you're back. Are you here to return your book?" Mr. Lipford asks.

"Actually no, Sunshine and I are spending free period in here. I'm going to read said book while she draws a god," he says in awe.

I roll my eyes at his dramatic ness. "Okay, I don't know what that means but... sure. Ms. Rivers, do you mind to keep an eye on the library while I take my lunch?" He asks and packs up his things.

"Yeah of course," I say.

"Great, catch me after school and we'll talk about you becoming my assistant if you'd like. It'll have some perks to it," he says. He leans down to whisper to me, "you'll get first access to the books before they go on the shelves."

"Awesome," I smile.

"See you kids after lunch," he says with a wave.

"He has a thing for you?" Brad asks.

"What? No, I just give him respect and he gives it in return," I explain and set my stuff down at a table.

"Oh so like a teachers pet," he says with a smile.

Ouch. It's technically true, but I don't see it that way. "I mean I guess," I shrug.

He looks at me with concern. "Hey, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that," he says genuinely.

I give him a tight smile and open my sketch book. "Do you have anything in particular in mind?" I ask as I look at the blank page.

"You're the professional," he says and leans back while crossing his arms.

I chuckle and begin outlining his figure. I'll do something casual. "Oh so we're starting. Can you talk while you sketch or do you have to have total concentration?" He asks.

I grab my phone and take a quick photo of him before he sits up and changes his posture. "Now I can talk," I say with a smile and continue to look at my book and phone.

He chuckles and half smiles. "Well alright the-" Brad is cut off by someone storming into the library.

Both of our heads snap up to see a infuriated Jessica... Oh no... "What the hell Brad!" She yells.

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