Chapter 25 ~ "Too Late"

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"She's awake! Doctor!", "9 years and finally awake!", "Oh, Happy Day!", "Quick! Call the father!", "On it!"

Wh...What time is it?!", I finally blurt out, the nurse smiles at me, "It's December 28th, 2024...! Have a belated merry Christmas!", I looked at the side table and saw a paper... with....tally and words.... hm... I better read this... wow...

'1 year. 2 years. 3 years. 4 years. 5 years. Yvette, Sarah was freed from jail, 6 years. 7 years. 8 years, I'm happy now. 9 years. I'm losing hope, When will you wake up?!'

Who... "Who wrote this?", I asked the nurse... the nurse gleamed at me, "A young boy, tall, 21...blonde hair with bright brown streaks in his hair..."... Ben?! Ben wrote this?!

I looked at the was his same old sloppy handwriting... "Can I go and see him?", "No... your father needs to be informed that you are awake... He's been begging 9 years to be the first one to see you I'll just get you some lollipops", and as the nurse said that, she got up and went to the lollipop jar and gave me raspberry apple. I sucked onto the lollipop and saw her exit the room...

I think this is the second time that I've been in a hospital...

**sigh... I wonder how everyone is... Is everyone happy...? I looked across the room and saw myself in a big wide square mirror... I look different... I look...fairer... and... my hair is shiny... my chest is bigger... wow. I have freckles! WOAH... it's like I'm looking at someone different... My nose is

"YVETTE, BABY!", Dad burst through the door and squeezed me to death, "YOU LOOK SO BIG! I CAN'T BELIEVE HOW MUCH YOU'VE GROWN!!!", I giggled at Dad, "Dad, you're killing me!", and Dad let me go and I started to laugh, "Haha! Dad! It's fine! It's good to see you too, Dad!", and I hugged him to death. "So, exciting news...Me and your Mom got together---", but I interrupted him because... WAIT, EXCUSE YOU?! "You and Mom are together?!", " let me finish", grinned Dad,"And, now, you've got a brother who's 7!", okay, pause.


"Can I see him?!", I squealed. Dad nodded his head and went out then brought in a boy, "Zackary, say 'hi' to your sister...!", and... silence... okay, then.

"HI, SISTER!", he finally gleamed at me.

He jumped onto the bed and gave me a big hug, "What's your name, sister?!". I hugged him back and giggled, "My name is Yvette! You can just call me, Evie if you want, Zacky!". "YAY! EVIE!", he giggled with me...and that's when Mom dashed in and hugged me and Zacky tightly, "Air, Mommy! I need air!", giggled Zack. I copied him and giggled with him, "Yeah, Mom! We need air!", and that's when Mom dropped us on the bed.

Look at us... a happy family...

I looked at my family and sadness washed over me, "Mom...Dad...Zack... Can I leave this hospital? I need to see Benjamin!", and that's when everyone smiled at me, "It's okay, Yvette. We can always have another happy moment...!", and that's when I gave them a big hug and and dashed out of the hospital...I looked at my clothes and sighed...It's a black shirt with a peace sigh on it with grey jeans... Wow.

I ran through the city until I reached Ben's house...or maybe his mother is the only one living here... I rang the doorbell, and waited for someone to answer the door... and the door is finally opened by... Giselle? Wow...she has really bright hair...showing her oldness...if that's even a word. "Who are you?", she smiled at me. I smiled back at her, "I'm Yvette Wanders, do you know where your son, Ben, is?"

And she gives me a paper, "Benjamin told me to give it to you if you ever ask me where he is...", smiled Giselle. I thanked her and went on my way...


This must be the house right...?

(I recommend you play Adele - Someone Like You to set the mood)

I'm so nervous! What if he doesn't recognize me... Pffft. That's pathetic! He just saw me 3 Days ago... I think. I rang the bell and sighed... nobody's at the door... Finally, someone opens the door! that Ben?!

"Evie?!"; "Ben?!"

Wow... Ben looks so professional... he's freaking 21! I'm only 20... *sigh... I hugged him tight, "Ben!", and that's when I realized a girl behind him, "Excuse me, but who are you?", Sarah retorted at me. I glared at her, "Who are you supposed to be?!", and she smirks at me, "I'm Ben's fiancée... now, tell me who you are...!"---- Sarah?!

"I'm Yvette Wanders and I'm awake!", and that's when Sarah's eyes pop out, "Excuse me?! But, Yvette is dead! I killed her and---", "But, I'm alive... Sarah... Silverstone... You didn't play with the script correctly...", Sarah charges at me with a knife... I recognize that's the same bloody knife that killed me.

But, luckily, Ben held her back... "Hey, Yvette... it's...such a surprise that you're awake... I sorta...gave up on you...", and 'reality' slaps me in the face, "Excuse me?!", I snapped at him, "You gave up on me?!".

Mhmm. I'm leaving.

"No! It's not like that, Yvette!", Ben called out after me..."I know what it's like, Ben! You just lose hope, amirite?!", I scream back at him. I walk away faster and faster until...


I still love Ben...Why would he just give up on me...? Sarah... Sarah... Sarah... It's not anyone's fault... it's mine for taking too long to make a choice... it's my fault that I was too late... It's my fault that Ben loves Sarah now... It's all my fault...

I sink to the ground and cry...

"I'm sorry..."

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