Chapter 9 ~ "The Embarrassment"

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**Curse Words Are Used In This Chapter, If You are Easily Offended By That, Go To the Next Chapter**

Sunday was fun...

But, all the fun is over now...Monday is here...that It was 1st Block...and...I was just minding my own business and doing my own work...until the teacher said, "Today...we have a presentation by Delanie and Melanie Damian!"...oh was Melanie and Delanie! They're the meanest girls in school...worst of all...they're twins! They always stalk people and learn about all the embarrassing things they say...Last week was poor Jane Trinch...her video was her in the shower talking about spiders and lizards...Teachers don't even realize this black magic.


Boy, I wasn't ready for this... "Hello, class 7-1! Today, we have a video about...Miss Yvette Wanders!", giggled Melanie. Wait...ME?! NO...No...NO!

"Here, we have a video about Miss Yvette her room! She left her window open so we could hear every word she said...!", evil-y grinned Delanie.!

"Ben is my hero. When, I get hurt, he's always there to help me! After that belt hits me...I always look forward to seeing Ben. Ben makes me happy! I...I...I...I love---",,"I love Ben!". "NOOOOOOOOOOOO!", I screamed out loud. I ran past tables and chairs and punched and bitch-slapped Delanie and Melanie. I took the projector and threw it across the room, making it crash to little pieces.

These bitches will pay!

I started to hit and punch everything.

I hate this world. I don't wanna live in this horrible world...! I will make sure this stupid-ass world will miss me!

I'll jump...

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