Chapter 8 ~ "Friend Outing - Part Two"

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"OMG!", gasped Sarah as she stared in awe at the 'spot' that Ben found for our 'party'. "Um. . .what do we usually do at 'parties'?", I asked...quietly...

Ben looked at me, "Well, since you're a newbie at this stuff...parties are supposed to be fun and enjoyable with family and friends!". "OMG!", butted in Sarah, "Like, that is sooooo true. #RELATABLE! Parties are always fun.". I buried my face between my two legs, "But...what do you do at 'parties'?". Ben lifted his hand up and counted down all the things that could be done at 'parties', "Well...Food, Talking, Jokes, GAMES, Balloons, Near-Death Experiences and other stuff!". Sarah's mouth was dropped wide, ", I'll just, like, get a milkshake, and like...drink, K?". Then, she ran off to the park's refreshments store.

Leaving me and Ben together.

"So ... what kind of party is this?", I squeaked. Ben glared at me, "Oh, a basic barbecue!". I looked over at the bag which was filled with cold chicken pieces and cold barbecue sauce. "Like, the milkshake they, like... sell around here is like, sooo. . .like, bad!". Ben finally got the 'party' going by grabbing a spatula and the cold chicken pieces and some coal. He started to set fire to the grill and quickly started to burn the frost on the chicken cutlets.


"That was like...such! A good meal. You really like, know, like how to like, cook!", Sarah praised Ben. I kept on getting more of the meat and nomming away. "Yo! Evie! Save some for Mother!". I quickly spat out the chicken piece and wiped the sauce off my face. "Yvette is like, sooo, silly!"


"Well, that was nice...", Ben sighed. I blushed, "This was fun...". Sarah pulled me up, "Like, YAS! This needs to be your best 'party' yet, amirite?!" I nodded slightly, "Yeah...especially since you guys were". Ben and Sarah went in for a big tackling hug on me, "YOU'RE THE AWESOME ONE, EVIE!", they both chimed in.

My Friends...

I love them both...because...they're friends...with me...


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