Chapter 4 ~ "Sleepover Disaster - Part Two"

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"Here it is, Madame Yvette Wanders!", smiled Ben, doing his best effort to be a 'gentleman'.

I looked around. It wasn't too shabby. It at least had a bed with red blankets...and a bookshelf. It was a tight room...but the bed was a bit big...enough to fit me and Ben in...not in that way, okay?! Jeez. It was quite a mess... it seemed like there were late night movies or someth---wait...

There's a flat screen TV...

No way! "Ben, are you rich or something?! You have basically TV's everywhere!!!", I squealed. Ben 'pfft'ed, "Well, not really... Mother and Father are business get the moneyz...". I slightly pushed him in his shoulders, "Don't brag!". "I'm not, Miss Yvette Wanders!", and there he is again; trying to act like a gentleman...

I dropped my bag down...and then...I heard shouting and yelling and screaming...

"Ben, what's that?!", I jumped in fright. Ben looked scared too, "I...don't know... I...". We both raced outta the guest room, and found...two adults fighting. Ben looked shocked, "but mother said he'd be gone for tonight...", he whispered to me. I gulped, and stood in horror as me and Ben witnessed the fight:

"What are you doing here, Richard?"
"Oh, Giselle...Let's have fun, eh?"
"Are you drunk?"
"Gizzy!!!! *burp* You, Me, Bed!"
"You piece of scum! Get away from me! You said you'd be gone for tonight!!!", yelled Giselle.
"Eh, what's up with you, you're not the same hawt-kickin' Giselle!"

Then, Giselle noticed both me and Ben, standing in the hallway, watching every single move... Giselle, then growled at Ben's father, "GET OUT! NEVER COME BACK!!!!". And then, Giselle caught Ben's father by the shoulder and threw him out the door... I felt bad for Ben...his father was a drunken man...and his mother was a mess ...but then, come to think of it, Ben's having his life better than me... He never got whipped by a belt, his mother never died...I should feel sorry for myself, but...That's selfish...

I got Ben's hand, and looked at him with sad eyes. He nodded at me and we went straight to the guest room. We shut the door and started to panic. My back was against the door and Ben was sitting on the creaky bed...

"Why do your parents fight...?", I blurted out of nowhere. Ben looked at me, "Mother's been having a hissy fit with Father...ever since Father's been hanging out with a young lassie, recently... I think her name was 'Jenny'...but then, after that, Father's been into alcohol which made Mother more...angry...she hated Father...she wouldn't care if he died or not...she always hopes that Father would be working late at work and stay at Uncle Jeremiah's place for the night...", Ben boldly explained it to me...

I sank down to the floor, "I'm sorry, Ben...". Ben looked at me with a confused look on his face, "Why, Evie?". I looked at him, "I'm sorry that this all happened to you... You deserve a better life...". Ben, suddenly, jumped off the bed and hugged me, "No, Evie, Don't feel bad for me! You deserve a better future! You're a nice girl... Reality is just... cruel...I guess...".

I started to cry, "You're so sweet, Ben...". "No! Don't cry,'s fine...".

(9:57pm, Friday)

"Ready to sleep...Yvette?", Ben yawned... My eyes were starting to get droopy, so I tried to look at him straight, "Y-Y-Yeah...". Ben jumped cheerfully. "Great!"...but then an awkward silence fell upon us... I decided to change the subject, "Um...Can you sleep with me...? I can't sleep alone after what happened with your...parents...or my...parents...". Ben grinned at me, "Sure..."

Ben and me got in bed together and I cried tears of happiness, "Thanks...Ben...for...everything..."

"...No problem, Yvette. G'nite!"

Ben is so nice...and cool...and sweet...Why is the world doing this to me...I feel like there's a catch to it...there has to be a catch. The world wouldn't offer me such kindness...

Would it, though?

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