Chapter 8 ~ "Friend Outing - Part One"

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(9:02am, Sunday)

*bring bring bring bring*

The home telephone is ringing...


I need to get it! I rushed outta my bedroom and got the phone, "H-H-Hello? Who is th-this?". "Hey, Evie! I didn't expect you to answer... I thought your Dad would be screaming curse words at me. PHEW! Glad that didn't happen.". I held in my laughter, "B-Ben, why are you c-ca-calling me?". "Well, Sarah called and well. . .she told me to invite you to our 'party'...".

Wait... a party?!

A party?! I've never been invited to a party. I've always heard that they've been great, but Mom would always try to keep me 'safe' and at home, 'where everything is cozy and safe'.

Well, home is not 'cozy and safe' anymore... you left home...and now you're dead... ugh. I guess what you said is true. . . "Okay, but where is the party? Dad won't come home until tonight.". "Well, Sarah said that it's in the park near the centre. . . Or something...". "Ugh, you're pathetic, Ben.". "Whatever you say, m'lady...", teased Ben through the phone.

I hung up and smiled...I was actually going to a 'party'...a 'party'...with friends... I can't believe it! 'Friends'...that word left me with tickles in the stomach. I quickly got dressed, and got my hair brushed. I got a water bottle and some sandwiches. I was going to a 'party'! I felt so excited!

(10:07, Sunday)

I'm here!

"Guys?! Are you here?", I called out.
...Hm...I must be earl----

"AAACK!", I cried. It was moving so fast! I was falling, and falling...and I hit the ground. But, I felt a weight drop onto me...

"HEY, EVIE!", two voices chimed in.

I tried to look up, and I was greeted with two smiling faces of Ben and Sarah. "H-H-H-Hi, g-g-g-gu-guys!", I stuttered to them. "Hey, let's not stress Yvette on her first 'party'!", giggled Sarah as she lent me a hand. I took her hand and got up, "How did you know?!". Sarah, then, punched Ben in the shoulders and snickered, "This doofus won't stop talking about you.", "Hey, Sarah...Don't punch me...!", complained Ben. I giggled, " how do people 'party' again?". Sarah stared at me, "You really weren't kidding when you said it was her 'FIRST EVER' party...". Ben chuckled, "I say my words seriously so don't underestimate me."

This was gonna be a good 'party'.

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