Chapter 19 ~ "Therapy Session"

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(Yvette's P.O.V) (9:37am, Monday)


It's 9:37...she'll be coming...13 minutes from now... Yesterday, it was all blurry... they gave me some liquid that they said that would make me remember some stuff at least...

Okay... I need to check the cards and gifts I got from... people... A red gift...the note says: "From...Melanie...and Delanie..." Hm... I don't know them but they must be really sweet to give a gift! I opened it up and there was a... cassette tape... Hm... I better hear it out... but wait! There's a post-it note... "You suck's the prank we did. We regret nothing you bi***"... hmm...wait... I feel my head hurting... owch! I remember it! Melanie and Delanie pulled a prank on me and I got humiliated in front of the whole class... but... what was so humiliating in this tape? Is it...something that I don't it a dark secret?! OMG! What if it was a dark confession?! Nah... I can't remember... some things are meant to be forgotten I guess...


"Come in, Missus Savéle!", I gleamed at her. She smiled back at me and got her notepad and her pen and took a seat on the plastic hospital chair. "So... do you remember some memories? From any names...presents....people?", she asked me sincerely. I looked at her and thought hard, "Um...well... I... uh... I remember having to be pranked by this...cassette tape by two horrible people but... I don't know what's so embarrassing about this tape... I never heard it out loud so. . ."-- and she interrupted me by taking the cassette tape from my hands and putting it on the cassette player and pushed the play button...

"Ben is my hero. When, I get hurt, he's always there to help me! After that belt hits me...I always look forward to seeing Ben. Ben makes me happy! I...I...I...I love---"

Oh no...not this!! Why this?! I remember it now!

"I love Ben...!"

"Stop it! No! Missus Savéle! Stop the tape!", I cried. But Mrs. Savéle kept on playing it, "But, Yvette... did you hear it ALL through?", I looked down at my stomach and shook my head. "Well, you better hear this thing out...

"As a friend though... I don't like guys... Dad is abusive enough so doesn't that mean ALL guys are like that? Just... cowards who hide behind bottles of alcohol? I bet Sarah hates me though...but Ben is my life... I don't know what I'd do without him... but, I'll save the loving part for later... and... MELANIE GET OUT OF MY WINDOW YOU STUPID---"

And... it ended... K. I can stop freaking out now... if only I... I got so mad at Melanie and Delanie that I didn't care to hear the rest! I just charged at them, bit them, killed them almost... and that was their plan all along... to show that I was a monster and monsters aren't allowed in this school... I remember it now... "Missus Savéle! I remember it now... the school tormented me because they saw the inner monster in me and that caused me to... cut myself...". I looked at the therapist and she was shocked to her heart stopped beating. I gave her the bad news, "But, I don't remember anything after that...". Mrs. Savéle quickly wrote in her notepad and smiled at me, "Session is over. Have a good day, Yvette!".

"Goodbye... I guess..."

(3:01pm, Monday)

Ben should be out of school already... I wonder if he and his girlfriend are already loving each other to death... Why did I not remember Ben...? I feel like I should know him but I just can't remember anything! Argh!


"Hey, Evie!", Ben grinned at me as he busted through the door. I grinned back at him, but I jumped onto him, clinging onto his chest... "BEN!", I gave Ben a seriously big smile. Ben kissed my forehead-----and... BLUSH MODE ACTIVATED! BLUSH MODE ACTIVATED! Stahp making me blush!!

He got books and pens and papers and tossed them all to me, "And... I'm supposed to keep you posted on what's happening in school! There is a Christmas play... 25 days from now...", and I spat out my own spit because I couldn't spit out anything, "25 DAYS?! WHY?!", I am so... horrible. I missed Halloween! I missed Thanksgiving! Dang you, memory loss!

"Ugh, like whatever! Ben! Why are you like, here?! She's a dumb brat and she can't do anything like, yeah!", blabbed on 'Ben's girlfriend', I spat at her, "If you're his girlfriend, why are you so mean?!", Ben held my hand, "We're not dating...", "UGH!", shouted Sarah as she grabbed Ben's hand from mine, "LIKE, WE ARE DATING!"

Whatever you say, SARAH...

I know what you did to me...

And I will never ever forget...

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