Chapter 21 ~ "Disaster Before Christmas - Part Two"

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14 Days Until Christmas...

(6:55am, Saturday)

"Sorry for the interruption, ladies and gentlemen, but this is your captain speaking, but we have arrived at our destination...! I hope you had a great flight and if you're a returning citizen, Arigato for using this airline and if you're a tourist, Konichiwa! Have a great day...!"



Th--Did we land... already...?! I-I - It's... Saturday, right? I... I looked over my shoulder and saw Penny asleep like an angel, "Oi! Penny! We're in Tokyo! Wake up, you baka!", I shook her awake. She opened her eyes wide and showed off her rainbow braces at everyone, "Like, OH EM GEE! I AM SO EXCITED FOR JAPAN! I'll get to go learn Japanese! Eeeee! Quick! Let's go, Wanders!", and she tugged at my arm... "No! Let me get my backpack at my overhead seat!", I glared at her and got my backpack...but then, I bumped into another person... no... not... THEM!

Melanie...Delanie... and that girl that Ben was with... her name starts with 'Sa---' or something... I don't remember!

"Oh... look who it is! It's the bizatch I was talking about, girls...", giggled the girl... "LIKE, OMG! THAT PRANK?! Priceless!", giggled Melanie as she slapped Delanie's shoulder... "Like, what should we do to her?! Do we bully her on this plane? Do we drop things out of her bag?!", fiendishly smiled Delanie... I didn't want to be a victim... so I just ran out...
"Oh... she's dumb... isn't she? She can NEVER escape from us..."


I got away! Mrs. Mandrake led us all out to town, since we didn't really have big luggages and stuff. So, we headed out into town and saw a local market selling mangas... but that one Manga caught my eye... 'ONE PIECE?!', I thought, excitedly in my mind. I ran towards the salesman and said, "English I speak", but that was foolish since the salesman was like, "No-No-No! Don't treat us Asians like all you racist Americans! Just because I'm born in Japan doesn't mean I don't know English!", I turned bright red and took out mangas from my bag and showed it to him, "Ah! One Piece, eh? It's a very famous comic book! We can trade if you have no money! Trade me Volume #32 and I'll give you all these mangas.", I looked at him and smiled. He's nice! I dug through my bag and found Volume #32... luckily, it was one of the 20 mangas of One Piece I have! I gave him the manga and quickly took my mangas and...

Who is that...?!

She looks so familiar... yet... I can't place my finger on it... I greeted the salesman thanks, "Arigato, sir!", and I quickly shuffled around the building that the salesman was holding his store in front of...

I tugged at the woman's shirt, and she turned around...and that's when I realized it...

It can't be... she has the same face... the same eyes... the same hair... the same straw hat...! can't be...

"MOM?!?!", I shrieked at her.

Her face was more shocked than mine! What the heck?! But, she's dead...! Okay... I'm dreaming... I'm dreaming-- "YVETTE?!", Mom finally shrieked. The man beside her came to her rescue, "Oi, what's wrong? Is the kid bugging you? Shoo off, kid!", but that's when I put my foot down.

"Excuse me, sir, but this woman is my mother and she is MARRIED!", I snorted at the man. But that's when the man chuckled, "To me! Miss Wanders is married to me...! You must be some old street girl, now shoo.", OMG! Is this guy FOR REAL?!?! I slapped the guy hard, "You a$$#ole! Stay back from my mother!", and then, Mom pulled me away, "Yvette! What are you doing here?!", I grunted at her, "SHUT UP MOM! YOU'RE ALIVE AND YET EVERYONE THINKS YOU'RE DEAD!!!", Mom put a sad look on her face..  PFFT! Pathetic. "I know, but I did this for a good reason.", and that's when I started to bawl my eyes out, "I thought you were dead... I cry myself to sleep every night... a-and...!", but then, Mom put a stern look on her face, "Your dad was crazy. He was never a good man! I hated him! I didn't want to live with that! You need to understand, Yvette! I didn't want to live a life that I didn't want!"...

Oh... I understand... alright...

You're a coward...Mom... a coward! "Oh, I understand, Mom... I understand that you're a coward and that you just want to run away from your problems! Dad loved you! He cried because you faked your death! Well, you know what, Mom? Fu** You...!"

I ran away and joined my class... I looked back and saw my Mom's pathetic tears... What a faker...

I hate her so much it hurts...

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