Chapter 15 Party Hard

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Chapter 15 Party Hard 

Klaus POV  

"Who is this guy and why does he have such awful clothes!" I growled while pulling out a hideous top.  

"Alright pop quiz Katherine." I said while smiling over at her as she sat tied to a chair. "The dagger is in the Salvatore's possession?" I asked while slipping on the hideous top. 

"Yes it's in Elijah's chest who is at the bottom of the Salvatore house." She spat. 

"Good and it needs to stay that way I don't need Elijah resurrected that guy is such a buzz kill." I sighed. 

"And your in trouble with your girlfriend." Katherine added. 

"Right Elena's aunt for all the lies about Isobel, what else?" I asked her while slowly approaching. 

"That's it." She whispered. Slowly I ran my hand across her cheek making her jump. 

"So jumpy, what are you hiding!" I hissed while staring her in the eyes. 

"N-nothing, please just kill me." She stuttered.  

"Oh is Katarina scared of someone who isn't me, this is fascinating, tell me who are you not telling me about." I said while forcing her to look in my eyes.  

"Emilia, Emilia is in town and staying with that Salvatore's." she whispered. I froze, my little flower was here she was suppose to be locked up in her coffin! No matter I would deal with her when the time was right, however now I was Ric, not klaus.  

"I will handle her, however I know there is something you don't know but you believe they know. What is that, what could they be hiding from you, tell me?" I hissed while staring her in the eyes. 

"They were trying to see if Bonnie could find a way to kill an original without using the dagger." She whispered. 

"Bonnie the best friend, I thought you said she didn't have her powers anymore." I asked while crossing my arms over my chest. 

"She doesn't or didn't I don't know. You kidnapped me remember kind of out of the loop." She chuckled.  

"Why are you laughing?" I asked annoyed. 

"Because Bonnie may not have her powers but Emily does." She chuckled, suddenly I held her by her throat. 

"What did you just say." I growled. 

"Emilia is a Bennett her mother was one and she unlocked her powers, she is one of the most powerful witches I have ever met." Katherine hissed as I dropped her once again.  

"I knew I should have been more careful with her." I hissed while running my hand through my hair. 

"Please kill me I've told you what I know." She gasped. 

"I've searched for you for 500 years, your death is going to be at least half that." Slowly I pulled out a knife and handed it to her. 

"I want you to take this nice and stab yourself." Quickly she responded. "Now take it out and when I'm gone I want you to do that over and over again, and if you get bored you can always switch legs." I chuckled. 

"Where are you going?" She asked a little breathless.  

"I'm going to check up on my precious doppleganger and since you brought it up I might also take some time to spy of little Emilia, don't look so glum Katarina the fun is just beginning."

Emily POV 

"You really think Bonnie can kill klaus?" Damon asked Stefan.  

"Well Elijah seemed to think that if a witch could channel that power they could kill an original. 

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