Chapter 8 The Moon in the Sky

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Chapter 8 The Moon in the Sky 

"Has she woken up yet?" A voice asked from somewhere nearby.  

"No she hasn't, but we need her up soon before Elena gets back because she needs to cast the spell." Another voice whispered.  

"Why can't you do it Bonnie?" The voice asked desperately.  

"Because if we want this spell to be the best it can be we need a more powerful witch. My spell won't hold up while hers has a better chance of lasting." I knew I couldn't stay this way forever so I forced my eyes open.  

"Oh thank god Emily are you ok?" Damon asked while gingerly helping me to sit up. 

"Fine, i'm fine." I whispered while grabbing hold of my stomach. 

"You're lying Emily, something isn't right." Bonnie accused while folding her arms and glaring at me.  

"Fine you're right, but I am not important right now, our priority is Elena. So what did you guys want me to do anyway?" I sighed while awkwardly sliding out of bed. 

"We need you to put a spell around the house, so when Elena gets back she can't leave again." Bonnie said while handing me her open spell book.  

I studied the spell curiously before beginning the ritual. I could feel the power leaking from my pours as the magic left me, this was still a new feeling to me considering I was never taught about my magic, but it felt almost normal.  

Soon I closed the book and placed it beside me on the bed before taking a few deep breaths to calm down my adrenaline rush.  

"It's done, once she walks through that door she won't be leaving anytime soon." I smiled up at the two other people in the room. 

"Good now I have to go visit Stefan, would you like to come Emily?" Damon asked while offering me his hand. I was getting ready to decline when Bonnie answers for me.  

"Of course she would, now you two love birds go have fun alright, i'll keep Elena here." I was ready to protest when Damon latched onto my hand and pulled me out of the house and towards the forest.  

"Where did that bag come from?" I asked Damon after I caught sight of the duffle bag over his shoulder. 

"It's stuff I packed for Stefan, don't know how long he will be stuck in that Tomb." I nodded before following Damon down a staircase that i assumed led to this tomb.  

"Hey Stefan I brought you some things." Damon said while throwing the duffle bag into the tomb. "I also brought you some lunch," Damon said while waving a bottle of blood in front of the tomb entrance. 

"Thanks, but no thanks Damon, if you give me that blood i'm going to have to share with Katherine." Stefan sighed while pointing a finger towards her.  

"You guys won't need to share once Klaus comes and kills the both of you." Katherine sighed while rolling her eyes at Damon. 

"I was dead before, I got over it. Now Stefan as soon as we deal with this Moonstone issue Emily and I will be back to get you out of here."I nodded in agreement with Damon before the two of us headed out of there. 

Awhile later the two of us arrived back at the Gilbert's house where I could still see my spell was in tact.  

"Hello anyone home?" Damon yelled while holding the door open for me.  

"There you are, I thought I might find you here." Damon chuckled while plopping down on the couch beside Elena. 

"Do you think this is funny?" Elena snapped while glaring towards Damon. 

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