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My publicist slammed down four different magazines in front of me all with the same cover. I was kissing someone, but you couldn't tell who it was. The door was blocking the way.

I sighed, looking at it. "That stinks."

"That stinks?" He asked, "That's it?!"

I was taken back at his sudden outburst and shrugged my shoulders. "What else is there to do? Buy them all out of every stand in America?"

"Flip to page 33." He said, crossing his arms and stepping away.

Trying not to react with a bitchy attitude, I calmly took the magazine away from him and flipped through the pages until I landed with the one all about me.

"Third paragraph."

I saw a little picture of Sadie and I beside it which made me smile a little, then began skimming through to see what he wants me to see.

"Five months ago Demi began hanging around a girl named 'Sadie Brown' who everyone is speculating her secret girlfriend. They've been spotted several places at several different times and sources say they act a little more than friends.. Maybe even the one she was kissing in the picture."

Fuck. I've been trying to keeping this on the down low for as long as possible. I guess I'll just have to lay low for a while.

"Damn." I said, pushing it forward.

"Demi, are you kidding?!" He asked. "Everyone is going to find out you're gay! You're a lesbian!"

"No? No one saw who I was kissing and I won't tell anyone until I'm ready." I shrugged.

"Break up with her." He demanded.

Who the fuck does this homophobic dick think he is?!

I snickered, "Excuse me?"

"Break up with her or I tell. Fire me or keep me, everyone will find out." He challenged.

"Everyone will find out eventually when I'm ready." I said, heart thumping in my ears.

"Are you ready to loose half of your fan base? You will go crashing down if people find out who you really are. No one will buy your shit music, you'll get no money, and everyone will think your disgusting. Are you ready for that?"

Tears started pricking my eyes.. Does he really think that? How could he say something so hateful? So, messed up and horrible?

"Please don't do that." I whimpered.

I'm not embarrassed of Sadie nor my sexuality, but even if I was straight or it doesn't matter who I was with- I'm a very private person. I don't want anything getting out until I'm ready. I'm not ready for this.

What about Sadie? I couldn't brake up with her in a million years even if I didn't have feelings for her anymore. She's just now moving past all of her grief and accepting people in her life. She's so scared of getting hurt and she finally trusted me. If I do this to her, she'll never trust me again.

"Then brake up with her. And actually brake up with her. I'll find out if you're lying and you know it." He said.

A tear rolled down my face. "I hate you."

"I don't care, princess."

But I knew what had to be done. I picked up my phone and dialed Sadie's number that I knew by heart.

"Hey baby!" She said, making my heart sink that much more.

"Hey." I said, "Can you come down to the office?"

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