[ the angry heroine ]

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fire crackles underneath her palms
the savage beat of her pulse
a rhythm to the end of the world
she claims to be a non-believer
of the poisonous bite of love
laughs in the face of danger
needing no one but the thrill
of bringing evil boys to their knees

(the man-eater prowls the city at night)

she says
love is for the weak
love is for the needy
love is for the foolish
love is for the blind

she stomps over the fresh hearts
offered by mortal hands in her name
the city praises her for valor
the people shout with reverence
she stands proud and unbothered
like a frozen statue of stone
a Roman deity of demolition
the calm and the chaos of wars

love is a sin she will never commit
her body is a temple not meant for men

(but her badly burned heart will tell you otherwise)

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