[ the waiting damsel ]

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he says he will come back
but it has been a year
and still no sign of him
outside her castle window
the birds have become quiet
an ominous feeling of neglect
settles next to her in the bed

(the damsel is getting impatient)

her prince charming has somehow
lost his way around her heart-space
and the princess is growing bitter
every minute he failed to sing her a song

promises are only fickle arrangements
much more with words spoken in vain
under the harsh scrutiny of illicit affairs

midnight dancing and candlelit walks
are unromantic displays of wanting
something you have no intention of keeping

this is a total blasphemy on her ego
and the prince will surely hear of her wrath
once he arrives with his unclear intentions
and the gallant white stallion named Diego

(the damsel will try to save herself in this one)

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