Chapter 22: Administration

Start from the beginning

Juliette was the complete opposite.

She was completely and utterly unaware of her appearance and as frustrating as it was, she was completely unaware of the effect she had on me.

Juliette was sarcastic and witty. Her sense of humour, despite being extremely dry, was endearing and seriously hilarious. She was always so sure of her actions, always so determined.

Okay, shut the fuck up before you begin to want to watch the notebook or something.

Before I knew it we finally got to the hotel, Mrs Harte checked us all in, explaining how there were three rooms she had booked. The boys' room, the girls' room and her room. She had strictly reminded us that at no point of the night should there be a boy in the girls' room, she was mostly talking to Jordan who looked pretty terrified as he vigorously shook his head 'no'.

She then told us that she was going to get to her room and start on her makeup whilst we could do whatever for an hour. She said to make sure we got changed before we left though.

Me and Jordan both went upstairs to the room to find two single beds pushed to each side of the blue wall. I placed my luggage on the corner as I literally jumped into bed and planned to nap for an hour.

"So" Jordan began, clearly with something on his mind "You and Juliette"

I rolled my eyes, making me compare myself to Juliette herself. "What about Juliette and I?" I asked

"You seem pretty close to her. Or she seems pretty close to you" he shrugged "she's not really the type to make friends, let alone invite one to a wedding"

"Is this the 'hurt her and I kill you' speech?" I asked in amusement considering I could not imagine Jordan being serious at all.

He chuckled "Well you'd have to be going out with her to get the speech"

I sighed "I'm working on it"

He froze "Really?"

I shrugged "Yeah, really"

"So you like her?" He asked, sitting up on the bed he was previously laying down on.

"I mean, I guess so" I replied cautiously, not wanting to say the wrong thing to the person who saw Juliette as a baby sister "I didn't think I wanted to jump into anther relationship after Katherine. But the more I got to know her the more I realised she was completely different to Katherine. Which meant the more I actually started liking her"

"Why don't you just tell her you like her?" He questioned as if it were the most simple solution on the earth.

"Because I'm terrified of her" I replied simply as he began laughing.

"Aren't we all?"

I chuckled "Like you said last time, she's hard to please. What if she rejects me?" I asked nervously, mentally punching myself for sounding like a fourteen year old girl with boy problems.

"Man up, man" Jordan replied as he chuckled

I smirked, thinking about how if I had ever said that in front of Juliette she would break into lecture of about the sexism in that phrase and the double standard which that sentence alone places on women and men.

"I probably shouldn't even be telling you this, but I have known Juliette my entire life." Jordan started, as I looked up at him in interest. "She's never acted this way with anyone before. It's not my place to tell you, but she's had a hard life, she's seventeen years old and she's still not fully over everything that has happened. None of us ever thought she would be close to anyone but us, let alone another boy. She may be terrifying. But take my word on it. She likes you"

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