*[how did you find my facebook if you didn’t know my real name? hmmmm???]


Dammit. I'm gonna have to talk to that girl.

*[oh darn. I was doing good to:)]

+[ So shades I got a question.]

*[shoot mr. Player]

+[if you have a boyfriend then why do you insist on flirting with me?]

Boyfriend?? What is he talking about.

*[What makes you think I have a boyfriend?]

+[Don’t play dumb, your pictures..on your profile.]

Of me and Josh. I hadn’t had time to really think about him but as Dalton mentioned it, everything came flooding back in. I looked through my pictures and found the one I was looking for. It was of me and him together. Smiling like idiots but you can tell its full of love. I hadn’t realized I was crying until a tear hit my hand. I replied back.

*[He’s forgotten. My past. I forgot they were on there]

I was going to leave it at that but I decided to change the subject.

*[why? You jealous;)]

+[not at all. I just don’t want some guy bitchen at me when he finds out his girlfriend is in love with another man.]

Oh please.

*[yea..that Channing Tatum is something else isn’t he. So cute.]

+[ Again with the jokes. You should be a comedian.]

*[I know I know.:)]

+[So whos the little girl?]

*[My sister.]

+[Wanna try that lie again shades?]

*[I don’t know what you mean]

+[She looks to much like Mr. Forgotten. I know I can be a flirt and a player but I'm not an idiot.]

I logged off as quick as I could. I don’t know why I ever thought I could keep her a secret from this school but as soon as I thought it, I regret it. Jayla isn’t something I should hide. Shes something that I am not ashamed of.  She’s my baby girl. And I love her.

I logged back onto our chat.

*[you are right. Shes my daughter.]

+[I know. You didn’t have to tell me. I already messaged Mr. Forgotten and had a little chat.]

*[You didn’t.]

+[your right, but I will unless you agree to one thing]

*[black mailing me now are we?]

+[…..Messaging…check….to Josh…check…would you like me to continue;)]

*[Allrite alllrite. What do you want.]

+[go on a date with me]

I about spit out the juice I was drinking. Hes got to be kidding right? He cant possibly be serious.

*[ you’ve got to be kidding.]

+[nope. Serious as heart disease. Just one night. Friday]

*[hmm…funny story..i actually HAVE  a heart disease and my doctor told me that too much time spent with idiotic morons will decrease chance of survival, so I must decline.]

+[ funny]

*[its all natural. I wake up and am just hilarious]


*[you’re the one whos asking me on a date.]

+[fair enough]

*[allright. One night. Your paying, driving, and I get to pick the place.]

+[any other requests your majesty shades?]

*[Yes. Don’t tell anyone about Jayla. Let me do it my own way.]

+[wasn’t planning on it.]

***AnnaBell has logged off***



                A.N. what up PLAYAS?!?!!? Haha man…its been like 3 months sice I uploaded. And certain people keep bugging me to upload. So there it is. Enjoy my lovelies. Hope your summer is going great.

Comment or I will cry….literally..:)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2011 ⏰

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