Chapter 1 - The Agreement

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Lillian Allister

I walked around central city as I made my way to centrals military command. The dark sky was soon filled with flashes of light as the sound of thunder filled the air. Just what I needed a stormy night, I continued walking when I saw military cars drive by. I followed them until I finally reached central command. I stood outside staring at the huge building, finally these three years of hard work will pay off. I hurried inside the building and looked around the building, I felt so nervous what if they don't think i'm qualified? I saw a young lady with short hair walking towards my way, maybe she can help me.

"Excuse me, I don't mean to bother you but do you know who I can talk to about the State Alchemist Exam?" I questioned as she looked at me with a puzzled look.

"You would have to talk to my superior, Lieutenant Colonel Mustang. He left a while a go to a meeting and I am not sure what time he will be back.You look very young to become a State Alchemist... " she answered..

"Are you sure, there isn't anyone else I can talk to? " I asked.

"I apologize but there is no one else and I am not fully informed on how the exams go or how you are able to participate. I am sure if you come back tomorrow Lieutenant Colonel Mustang will gladly answer all your questions." she explained.

"Thank you, I will come by tomorrow then." I said, she exited the door and I stood there thinking what now?

"Excuse me, I couldn't help but overhear you are planning to take the state alchemist exam?" a tall man with glasses and a scruffy beard asked me.

"Yes that is correct, but sadly this Lieutenant Mustang isn't here." I said with a disappointed face.

"You seem very determined, mind me asking your name and your age? he asked.

"Lillian Allister and i'm 11 years old!" I said. He looked at me and spaced out for a bit.

"Major Hughes, nice to meet you Lillian. You are very young for thinking about becoming a State Alchemist." he said as he shook my hand, my gloves were drenched from the rain.

"Mind me asking what is the cheapest hotel to spend the night? " I asked him.

"Hotel? Do you need a lift home?" He asked.

"I'm not from around here, I came from West City." I explained.

"Hmm...Why not come stay at my place for a while, my wife won't mind, plus she could use company." he offered.

"Thanks but I don't want to be a burden." I said.

"Non-sense, please accept to be my guest." he kept insisting.

"Alright, then your house it is Major Hughes thank you." I said as a car pulled over and we both stepped in. The ride to his house was long but calming he sat there quiet just pondering and I glanced every once in awhile. Wondered what was wrong with him, when we arrived the rain calmed down a bit. He opened the door and there on the couch was his wife and she got up I noticed how pretty she was.

"Gracia this is our guest Lillian, she will be staying with us for a few nights. Thought she could keep you company. " Major Hughes explained to her.

"Hi Lillian it is very nice to meet you, I hope you both are hungry." Gracia said with a warm welcoming smile. I washed up for dinner and sat down with them. The food tasted amazing it was a loving home cooked meal. Reminded me of mom's cooking, the love that she put in for me and dad.

"So Lillian what brought you to Central?" Gracia asked.

"I want to become a State Alchemist." I said.

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