I barrel on through, continuing to talk so I don't shatter. "Despite the fact that I hated it, I stuck with it. I did it for Eri's sake, she did everything for me and I wanted to do the same. I would of done anything for her." I choke on my words, pretending it is just a cough.

"I was so dreadful that one day, a year after we began training --when I was eleven--Eri came to me and asked me a question."

"Do you need any help?"

"No, and even if I did I wouldn't care." I spoke indignantly, nose up in the air.

"Spice." She pleaded, eyes wide and kind. "I know you can be a great hunter someday.  Just please."

"Let me help you."

"I could never resist her or those caring deep brown eyes of hers and so I agreed to let her help me.  After every arduous lesson of trying and failing, Eri would take me aside afterwards and reteach me it all.  I don't know how she put up with my stubbornness and complaining, but she did." I muse.

"She was patient and a good teacher, better than my parents who expected me to just understand everything like she did. Sweet, Eri, would break down the lesson and dissect it in a way that I understood. 

"After awhile I learned to do it myself and no longer needed her tutoring. By the time I was thirteen and she was twelve I had surpassed her and was flourishing.  She never was jealous or mad at me, she cheered me on even though I didn't care.  I did well without caring and still she never was angry at me because of it even though my success was because of her. If anything we were closer than ever."

"I love you, Spice."

"I love you too, Sweet."

I sniffle as more memories begin to seep in. "Peace never lasts though.  There is always some monster, person or other to damn it all to hell."

"Is that what happened?" Kaien asks softly. "Did a vampire take your happiness away from you?"

"No, he took more than that." I seethe, wiping at dry eyes.

"Don't take anymore than that Spice!" Sweet chastised with a grin. "We already should be in bed, it's way past our bedtime!"

"I do what I want, old lady." I popped another candy into my mouth with a teasing grin.

"Old lady?" She laughed. "How am I an old lady?  You're a whole year older than me, Spice!"

"Fine then you're my little baby sister." I cooed.

Sweet laughed. "I'm thirteen now!"

"Yes, and I'm fourteen, and like you said a whole year older than you.  So, you're my little baby sister!"

Sweet pouted and I burst into laughter.  She tried to hold her pout, but soon gave up and laughed with me.

Suddenly her laughter stopped and I sent her a confused look.

"What is it, Sweet? Are you trying to get me back for messing with you? Well you're doing a bad job of it!"

"Shh." She hushed me, quietly.

At her serious tone I fell silent. "Eri, what is it?" I whispered to her.

"Despite growing to be better than her, Eri always had better senses than me." I admit.

"What is it?" I asked again.

She turned her dark eyes to me, they are calm but on guard. "Someone's on the property. I can sense them."

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