Stormy eyes

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I woke up to the sound of screaming. A cry of pure emotion. It was pure instinct, one that had been kept in too long and had finally erupted. It was coming from the dark.

I never used to be scared of the dark. It was only after I had been expelled from my family that I began to fear the inky blackness. It was because it was like my head. It forced me inside my mind, a place that no normal creature would ever want to inhabit. Monsters from your darkest nightmares lurked in the shadows and endless fear coursed through the dark like blood through veins. The dark petrified me.

But the screaming was coming from there. And I knew that the screaming was real. This was not another trick played by my sick and twisted mind. This was harsh cols reality.

Suddenly I became very aware of the fact that I was the only one in the room. 'Where is Matt?' I thought. Then it dawned upon me. That was Matt screaming. That was Matt who sounded like he was in such pain. I had to help him. I had to save him. I couldn't leave him like that.

As you already know, my kind is not a safe place. But it was mine and I could deal with it (for a little while at least.) I got up and I ran. I sprinted through the darkness of the night and past the monsters on my head. All the while the screaming continued.

Then I was outside. Outside in the cold night as a storm raged on. There was Matt. Standing alone in the rain ad thunder and lighting came from the heavens above. He was crying and screaming and there was a large shining piece of metal in his hand. His eyes were closed and his head was thrown back and he screamed. He was in pain and I had to help.

But I couldn't help him. I stood there, trapped in my own body. Not able to move a muscle. I loved this boy so much, even though I had practically just met him. How can I help him? I can't even help myself.

Slowly his screaming began to die away. He was gradually giving up, Matt couldn't fight anymore and I don't think I had the heart to force him to stay. I wouldn't want him to do that to me. When he finished he fell to his knees. His head hung and silent sobs racking through his body. His bare hack was covered in scars and the rain water trickled down him. Like a river down a mountain.

"Matthew?!" I had to yell to be heard over the storm. "Matthew, please listen to me. I love you."

Still he didn't look at me.

"Matt... Please?" My voice cracked. I couldn't deal with such raw emotion.

Finally he looked at me. I stared into his eyes and saw something that I had never seen in him before. I saw calm in his eyes. I saw relief. He was finally at peace with what was in his mind. I would never take that away from him.

"Goodbye Matthew, I love you."

He let a small smile contort his features.

"Goodbye Taylor. I will miss you."

He raised the shimmer to his left temple. One last tear slipped from his crystal eyes and down his porcelain features. One more strike of thunder echoes through the storm. But this time it was red lightning.

Carefully, I staggered over to his body. Matt's body. I layer down next to him. I still needed to say goodbye my way. I pulled his lifeless corpse into my embrace and cried. I cried for all the hurt in this world. I cried for all the suffering that thousands went through every day. I cried for the demons that we live with. But most of all, I cried for the sweet innocent boy in my arms that was broken by the world and who couldn't be put back together.

I layed by him. Like a dog with their dead master. I would not leave him yet. Finally I realised why storms were named after people.

The storm and torment had never actually left Matt's eyes. It was still there. I just couldn't see it anymore because I had been pulled into it too. I loved him. He made me feel better. But now he was gone, another little part of me had been torn away.

"Goodnight and goodbye, my dear sweet prince," I whispered into the stormy might sky.

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