1 cut, 2 cuts, 3 cuts, 4. How many more 'till I hit the floor?

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Some clothes had been placed by my door. They were at least five sizes too big it still I wore them. I was a guest and I did not want to get on the bad side of Alken, I had a feeling that that would be a very bad idea. They were a pair of purple skinny jeans and a short sleeve 'All time low' t shirt. I started to freak. They could not see what I did to myself. I slowly sunk ti the floor, my head in my hands. What was I going to do? I couldn't breathe. Then I remembered I still had the jacket that I was wearing yesterday and hurriedly pulled it on over my scarred arms. My jacket was an extra small but it still hung off my slender frame.

I threw the quilt onto the bed and walked over to the door. I took one last look around my room before I took a deep breath and opened the door. The door opened straight into the living room. Matt was sitting on the couch, when he noticed I was there he gave me a slight smile. But there seemed to be fear in his eyes. Then I noticed the bruise on his haw and I hurried over to where he was sitting. The bruise was bad, it was purple and yellow mixed together.

I sat down next to him, the cushion did not even dip under my weight. I took Matt's chin between my thumb and forefinger and moved his head so that I could get a better view if the damage. It hurt me to know that someone could have done this to him, why would anyone want to hurt such an innocent, beautiful boy. The bruise was definitely bad but it did not look like it would leave any per meant damage.

As I releases his chin I looked up at him to deliver my verdict on the bruise but I lost my trade if thought when I saw those soft, full pink lips. My eyes carried on rising upwards until they met with emerald green orbs and I found myself getting lost in the emotions that swirled like a storm inside of him. A light was suddenly present in is face and a sinful glint was sparkling in his eyes. Slowly he leaned down and I met him half way. Our lips moulded together perfectly, like they were made for each other. A deep passion was present on the urgency that we bith put firth. This was my favourite Liss that I have ever had, the first one that felt like it actually meant something.

Off to my right I heard a gasp as something light crumpled to the floor. I pulled away, fear suddenly coursing through my veins. I looked over to where I heard the sound and and saw a naked Allen, freshly out of the shiwer, with a towel above his feet. His dark brown locks fell over his face and a fury was in his eyes. Slowly he walked over to me, leaving the towel where it lay on the floor. He took hold of my shoulders firmly and ripped my jacket from me, uncovering the fresh gashes on my porcelain skin.

He took his thumbs and Duh them deep into the a wound in each arm. White hot fires erupted inside of me, pain coursed through my body and tears began to form on the rims of my eyes. An inhuman scream erupted from my throat, my muscles had tensed so much that I could not move. The tears began to fkow, much like the blood that was coming from my reopened arms. I forced myself to look up and saw a demented grin on the face of the person who had promised me a knew start.

" How dare you touch my son you discusting fag?! He dies not want you and your sickening disease! " He spat in my face, the veins in his neck sticking out.

"i am glad I gave you these now. I did not think I would have to use then but I guess I was wrong." Slowly he removed his thumbs from my arms and I fell to the floor. I folded into myself and quietly sobbed. Then he turned to Matt.

He took Matt's black locks in his large hand and lulled him from the room.

Almost immediately I heard someone cry out in pain. I knew that Matt was going through the same torture that I had already endyred, but I knew he has probably gone through it numerous timed before. Slowly I gathered my strength and crawled over the the phone. I picked up the receiver and dialed in the number for the police. Through my sobs I told the officer what had happened, they said that they would track the call and that they would be here as soon as possible. I put down the phone and curled into a ball in the corner. Quietly I cried as I attempted to stem the bleeding.

After what seemed like forever I heard a knock on the door. The torture was still going on so I got up to open the door. A police woman was standing there. She introduced herself as p.c. Alice Harefield. I pointed over to where Matt and Allen were with my shaky finger. She drew her baton into her right hand and approached the door.

In one smooth movement she opened the door and rushed inside. Allen was instantly behind her, hitting her in the back of the head with a chair. She stayed standing for a second before she fell, like a puppet with its strings cut. Cautiously o approached the door and looked in. Allen was standing over Alice, whispering something into her ear. But that was not what caught my attention. What I saw was an Angel, lying an a pool of his own blood. His chest was still slowly rising and falling, he did not deserve to be in so much pain but at least he was still breathing.

Allen then picked up Alice body and threw her over his shoulder. He was now wearing a tight pair of hipster shorts that did not leave much to the imagination. Not that I would need to imagine anymore. He strolled out the house with her on his back as I slowly layed down and pulled my fallen angel into my arms.

"Don't worry, I am here now." i quietly whispered into his ear. I began singing a lullaby into his ear until I fell asleep. A dreamless sleep wrapped around my mind as I layed with the one person left that I loved in this grim world.

4 a.m. knows all my secretsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora