Hot Doc

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Within the next hour I was carted up to the psychiatric ward, bed bound a cute porter took me up. He held the name David, how odd for someone with such an inviting name and body be so antisocial.

The psychiatric ward was very much different to the rest of the hospital. Here more of an effort was made to make it more welcoming; it just made the place more repulsive.

I was placed in bed 5, the first in a row of four. To my left was a girl named Alice. She suffered from multiple personality disorder. Unlike other people with the illness she only had one split, or two alters depending on how you looked at it. One was kind and gentle; arty. The other was rude and mean but musical. The former was stronger than the latter and more dominant.

After nearly two hours of sitting in near complete boredom with only Alice to talk to I was taken to the doctors.

They had finally allowed me to leave my bed so I followed then to where ever they were taking me. The doctor they were taking me to was called Dr. Travers. Apparently he was a rarity as he was both a therapist and a psychiatrist. A cording to Alice he was fit as. For some reason I felt obligated to trust her. Is this what friendship was?

I was led through a long corridor with doors placed evenly every ten metres in each side. I was taken to room 15. The door was made from thick oak with a long rectangular windows cut vertically into the wood.

Inside the room the floor was carpeted with a lush creme design that blended with the walls. There were two maroon chairs placed on all sides of the room and opposite the door was a white board.

"Wait here" the porter ordered before making a hasty retreat. What is with this place and people always leaving so fast.

I took the seat closest to the right if the door, so I would be able to escape quickly if needed. Say if this Travers man turned into a zombie while we were talking.

Around five minutes later I was ripped from a very happy day dream i was having. I was having my throat cut by Gerard Way as Austin Carlisle sung Blame it. But i soon forgot about that when i saw the doctor. Alice did not lie when she said he was fit. That was something I was certain of.

He had tanned skin, the complete opposite if my paper white. Gleaming white teeth fulled his mouth and his big brown eyes were full of life, once again the opposite to my ice blue. His light brown hair was styled in a quiff instead of my black emo style hair. We are near complete opposites, something we did both share though was that we were both freakishly was hew fine, i will make this bitch mine.

Hello Taylor my name is Samuel Travers." He introduced himself while extending a hand to me to shake. His voice was deep and sexy, god this guy was perfect.

"Yeah good for you. Can i go now? " I have suck a way which words do I not?

The big man chuckled, a big grin plastered in his face. His eyes crinkled at the sides as a deep laugh erupted from his chest. My heart skipped a beat.

He strolled over to the chair opposite me, extending his long muscular legs as far as they would go. They were very good looking legs, especially as they were defined by his green skinny jeans. I should stop thinking about that now, bad Taylor.

"So Taylor," his royal hotness spoke. Yup, that is one of the things that i will refer to him as now. " i am going to ask you a series if routine questions and I will need you to answer them as truthfully as you can. Okay? "

"Yes, hot arse". Shit, i didn't mean to say that last bit. Thank the Lord I do not think he noticed, but I am sure he blushed as he looked down.

"Are you addicted to anything?"


"Please elaborate"

" I am addicted to you."

There was that hot chuckle again. i think that was my knew favourite sound.

"Anything else?" He asked after he had pulled himself together. A small smirk still playing on his lips.

"Yeah, pain killers. " The loving sexy in front of me wrote that down in his rainbow pad. Wait, rainbow pad. Maybe i will get with him after all.

That is pretty much how the rest of the hour went. Joking and questions and him looking mega fuckable.

Once he had finished asking me questions I was dismissed. The pure hotness in front of me said he had to analyse my answers to figure out what was wrong and that he would give me the results tomorrow. Then he winked at me before he left. He fucking winked. Swaying his arse he walked away with a whole lot of sass. Leaving Mr to find my own way back.

When I finally found my way back I told my pale little purple haired friend Alice what happened. I only just met her and yet she was already my strongest confident and ally.

She gave me her views and opinions all the way through my tale. After we ended up talking for ages about our fuck lists.

Some time around seven food came. I gave most of mine to Alice saying I was not hungry. But she was not opposed, in fact she seemed to welcome it.

By 11 o'clock Alice had fallen into a deep slumber after our eleven hour gossip session. This left me the only person awake on the ward; that was terrifying.

I am almost certain that most people do not see those around them with melting flesh and dead eyes. Nor do many hear the screams of thousands of thousands of tortured voices around them being emitted from the dark. But I do. Late at night is when it is the worst. When my demons come out of my head and into the world.

My thoughts are evil. They are my destruction. I can not take the visions and the thoughts at the same time but I must, that is the price I pay for living. I do not really want to be alive either but that was something that was forced upon me and refuses to be taken back.

After five hours of torture I fell into a fitful sleep at 4 a.m. my thoughts are what moulds my dreamscape. So I was placed into a world if fear and death, where happiness happiness is lost in this barren land.

I was awoke by a worried Alice a mere three hours later. She was saying something about sleep screaming and me crying but I was not listening. I was to bust sorting out what had happened in my nightmare.

"Alice! Calm your tits." That shut her up, it also left her staring at her chest with a disappointed look on her face. It was actually rather amusing.

Then I remembered something that that made me really smile. Today I got to see the loving hotness. That would be perfection at its finest.

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