A knew you

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So that was how it started, a knew life; a knew me. Fir a very long time now it had only been me, I watched out for me and nobody else. It would be hard to adjust to having someone else there to help me out. I had to learn to trust again and that would be one of the hardest parts, trust was something far from what I know. Going through what I had trust was difficult, who would have guest that this would make it worse?

He took me to his car, it was amazing. I had a thing for vintage stuff, his was one of the most vintage cars out there: a beetle! This was my all time favourite car. The inside was a deep purple leather but it matched the light blue exterior. It was so soft that I ended up falling asleep for most of the ride.

After what felt like hours we arrived at a fairly large rustic cottage. It was painted a great orphan blue with the windowsills a matching light green. The door was stained oak and went well with the easy going laid back feel you got from the cottage. A long gravel driveway led upto the door. A cherry tree towered over the driveway, leaving it in a shady patch. Cherry blossoms were falling from the elegant branches and being carried down by the gentle wind. They seemed to stroke the floor before they chose a place to land. Pinks and greys combined to make this scene of tranquility.

Millions of thoughts were racing through my head. But the most prominent one was how great it will be to finally have somewhere warm and dry to stay. I had to keep it together but I felt like crying with joy. For the first time in forever I had a home. I might even have a knew family.

On shaky legs I stood by the car, using it for support so I would not come toppling down and destroy such a beautiful picture. Even in thus state I cared more about what other people thought than my own safety. I really did have a problem.

When I finally felt steady again I trudged over to where Allen was waiting by the door. He looked strange. There was a smile plastered onto his face but it seemed off somehow. Like he knew something that I didn't, as if he was waiting for something to happen. A look of anticipation skipped across his nearly ageless features, that left me with an unnerving feeling coursing through me. I chose to ignore it. How foolish, I had learned to trust my instincts. They were my best defence against danger. Slowly I followed him through the door.

Everything was fine at first, it turned out he had a sin called Matt. Matt was around my age and was actually really cute; black hair and blue eyes were my favourite combination. We would have been best friends if I had not been slightly into him.

As soon as we got in he took me into my room I fell into a record slumber. Nightmares chased me through my subconscious leaving me in a tearful state. Even in my sleep I screamed for someone to save me.

I had slipped into my mind, the place that my subconscious ruled, my deepest thoughts were moulded around me. Numbers surrounded me. Each one had a purpose and they all had a thousand thoughts attached,a voice echoed out if each. That was what really scared me. My weight was there, the voice beat me down to nothing. Tears if pure oil tumbled down my parchment skin, staining them with the thick; dark liquid. Suddenly the scene warped.

I was in a court, barbed wire was wrapped tightly around both my wrists and ankles. Deep red began to seep from where the silver dug into he white, pooling in oceans in the palms and plummeting into the abyss. A man stood in front of me. His shaggy green hair fell over light blue skin. In the middle of the court was an angel in their knees. Piercing gold eyes stared into mine, working their way into the darkest corners if my being as he judged my soul. His halo was around his neck, slowly choking the life from him. Right before he died he whispered a single word on his shallow breath.
My life flashed before my eyes and I screamed as I stared deeper into myself.

How long I undertook their torture I could not say, the scars were deep and my skin was deeply cracked. Flames licked me and a knife stroked my muscles through my skin. The deep red was back but this time the doorway was angry. Like a mouth that was hung open. There were two of these in both my wrists, they burned, but not like the flame that had taken my body for food. Then the world was shaken as the universe was split open.

I awoke in the floor, sunlight streaming through the window and stinging my eyes with its unforgiving glow. I was a mess of sweat and tears. I had never had a memory so intense. For some reason Allen had been one of my tortures.

I pulled myself up from the bed and examined my body. Thousands of purple and yellow bruises covered my torso. More gashes were on my arms and thighs. I did not understand how this was possible. That was just a dream wasn't it?

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