Chapter 25: Research And Dramatics

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(This was supposed to go out last night, but my internet went out, my apologizes! Also, dedicated to @silentbynature because ARGH MY SPLEEEN! xox Felix)

I'm falling asleep again. It's kind of funny, the droopy, drooly feeling you get when you're trying to stay awake, but your body desperately needs to sleep. The way the heaviness of your eyes makes you just want to grab a blanket and maybe a good book and just fall asleep. Except I can't afford to fall asleep. Remus needs help, and I'll do anything I can to help him.

I've been researching for two months now, skipping out on pranks with the lads and I'm failing Defense Against the Dark Arts because I haven't done any of my classwork. It's not like I'll need any of that in the future due to the prejudices of the rest of the wizarding world. Remus, on the other end, will need help.

You're probably wondering why I'm not worrying about myself seeing as I'm a werewolf myself. Let me tell you why I'm not worried about myself. One, female werewolves hurt themselves less as an adult unless in mating season due to the need Second, Remus being a male makes the wolf much more angry when it's unable to hunt. Third, the wolf in me has, well, given up. We are one now, not two. We think together, move together, speak together, do everything together peacefully. We've realized that by hurting the other, we hurt ourselves.

At least, that's how I like to see it. In reality, I can't even feel the wolf prowling inside me, and when I got mad at Peter for stealing my stash of muggle gummy bears (the little rat was going to regret that), the wolf didn't even come forward wanting to, you know, rip his guts out and feed on his spleen.

Anyway, back to my research. So far I've seen the usual "cures" for a werewolf bite. And then I've done my own research on the topic as well. Now, there is no cure for a werewolf bite, never has been and most-likely never will be while Remus and I are alive. But, now that I've thought about it, the wolf only seems to want to eat humans and not other animals. This, hopefully, will be key in finding away to save Remus' life. For now, though, I'm going to plot that little idea in Peter's head. Peter will tell James and Sirius, and the two of them (who are smarter than Peter and I combined) will hopefully find a way to make Remus' moons easier, therefore preventing his death.

Merlin, that's a bloody essay. Aunt Minnie is rubbing off on me...

Who all is participating in the contest? Please, even if you feel like you can't make anything good, try! I'll love all the entries and I can promise you that it will be worth your time to try!

xox Felix

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