So Close

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Ships: Sqampy Squicole

Stampy P.O.V.

"Don't worry Joe, she'll be back soon." I told myself, though I knew it was no use. The love of my love, Beth Bates, or Sqaishey was visiting her parents for a few days. I looked at my phone that had just buzzed, one text from Squid and one from her. I quickly opened up hers. It was a video. I clicked on it.
"Happy Birthday to my favorite cat! Love you! Hugs and kisses from Duckyville!" She blew a kiss and waved. The video ended and I smiled sadly. I opened up my text from Squid.
"Adventure map?" It asked.
"Yeah when?" I texted back. I should do something to keep my mind off of her and my forgotten birthday.


"And that's it for today! Thank you for watching and we will see you all later." I said closing the video.
"Bye!" Squid and I both said as I ended the recording.
"Mate is it just me, or did you seem safer to me today?" He asked.
"A little." I admitted and shut of Minecraft to focus on the Skype.
"It's your girlfriend right?" Squid said now looking at the Skype call.
"Yeah." I said sadly.
"Awe." Squid said and paused before looking at the clock. "Oh Jesus."
"What's up?" I asked.
"Nicole is leaving today, so I will be experiencing what you are mate. Can you come at noon today? I'll need the support."
"Yeah sure."
"David hon?" I heard Nicole call.
"Coming." He called before waving. I waved back before the call ended.

Sqaishey P.O.V.

I stepped off the platform and spotted Nicole and her boyfriend, David, aka Squid, Stampy's best friend. I'm so glad I introduced them, their meant to be!
"Hey Beth." Nicole said when I got into the car checking her watch. We took two cars so Squid could get Stamps with one and we could drive home with the other.
"We might cut it close. David and I set up the decor. Hide the baggage in my room." I was so glad I asked Nicole and David to help me!

Stampy P.O.V.

"Why is Nicole's car still here?" I asked as we pulled in.
"I drove her to the train station, so she left her car here. A subtle reminder." My best friend said sadly. I patted him on the back. "Hmm, I'm sure I left that light on. I'll be right back." He said and ran off into the house.

Sqaishey P.O.V.

"He's here." Squid whispered cling in the door. Nicole put a finger to my lips as we heard Squid turn the light on, then voices fill the air. Nicole counted silently to three.
"Surprise!" We yelled and Nicole popped up.
"Squid," Stampy laughed. "I heard another voice though." He said as I peaked through the gap in the couch to see him pulling away from my the hug.
"You don't know me Stampy," I said popping up. "I don't miss a birthday." Stamps smiled and opened his arms. I ran into then and he picked me up and spun me around. Nicole and David snuck out quietly. "You didn't think I would miss your birthday did you?" He shrugged and kissed me. I ran my fingers through his hair.
"I love you." He said and smiled.
"I love you too." U smiled as he leaned in to kiss me again.

Hey peps! Julie here. This is the one-shot I wrote at camp. I finally found it! The new books are on there way. Still need a few edits though. So they may not be up for a few weeks. Sorry guys. I'll put them up as soon as possible. I hope you liked this one shot! -Julie

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