Birthday Lovers

182 11 3

Ships: Sqamy

Amy P.O.V.

I exited the plane. My heart ached for him, my heart was dragging me down. I wasn't as peppy as I usually was. I missed his laugh, his sandy blond hair he ran his hands through all the time. Those blue eyes that seemed to be shimmering crystals every time he smiled. I turned on my phone and it started to have a buzzing seizure as all my texts, emails, and notifications came in. Texts from Squiddy. I smiled and opened it.

Miss you already. :(

Miss you too.
I responded. I walked out to see Salem waiting to pick me up.
"Amy!" She smiled hugged me.
"I've missed you so much."
"Same, it's been to long!" I held her hand and we walked out to the car.
"So you and Squid?" She asked as we got on the highway.
"Yeah, what about us?"
"How long have you been dating?"
"Two months now?" I tried to remember.
"You don't remember," Salem giggled. "That's a good sign."
"It feels like forever, that's good enough for me."
"Ha, yeah. So is it serious between you two?"
"Yes, I believe so. As serious as we could be."
"Lol, yeah, you two jokesters." A little while later we pulled up at my house.
"Come on!" Salem pulled me into the house. I gasped at Squid standing on the stairs with a banner that said Happy Birthday Amy.
"Awe, Squiddy."
"Come here." He hugged me. "You don't think I'd let you go that easily, especially on your birthday."
"I guess not." Then we kissed ignoring Salem's aweing in the background. I was right, he wouldn't let me go like that.

This is a long over due update. I feel like I've abounded you all! So sorry! I'm going through a tough time in my life currently. Writing is my excuse to get out of reality. Hope you all love it! -Julie 💜

Magic Animal Club Short StoriesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora