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When your dyslectic

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Grade Teacher

During the 18th centuary, Benjamin Franklin, a renisance man, displayed many extrodinary abilities. His talents included a printer, publisher, scientist, and a statesman. Howerver, he should be remembered most for his brilliant inventions.

Yup, that's me for you, I'm not adsactly dislecic, I just have Add, and it seams I have a wall on Math and Spelling, but I exceed on Science and Social Studies. I don't know why people find it boring! Oh look at that, I already spelled dyslectic and exactly wrong. Oh boy, this is going to be fun.... I don't really know anyone else who has A.D.D. At least that I know of. A. D. D. is a variation of A.D.H.D. My sister and Dad both have it. A.D.D. Stands for Attention Defecate Disorder. Its pretty much Attention Defecate Hyper activity Disorder (A.D.H.D) without the hyperness factor. I have already had to use spell check about 20 times.... Who knew this would be so difficult? My Mom has Dyslexia. It's sorta a reading disorder that makes some letters switch around. I guess it just makes the world a whole lot more difficult. I mean, everything is reading! I go to a school especially for Learning Disabilities. Which makes it kind of fun. Everyone is just like you and it makes me feel comfortable. It is sorta mandatory to have a learning disability though sometimes you wonder how. You might wonder what "Hit a wall" is. I was doing fine with my spelling (I still struggled with Math, I always have..) in 2nd grade. I even did spelling bee! I was actually pretty good. Then I "hit a wall" it all of a sudden didn't know what was going on and my spelling grade dropped in 4th grade. For some reason, it wasn't clicking anymore. So Mom tried me out for the school I am in now. I didn't get in the first time, but the 2nd time I did! That's why I'm in the school now. Everyone there has his or her story. One girl said that her old school teachers thought she was a retard. A boy said that his teacher sent him down to 2nd grade for spelling because he didn't get the words. He was in 5th grade! I guess I was ok, though I could tell my old Music teacher disliked me and had favorites. So when I came here, I hid my talent as a singer thinking it would all be the same. But the drama teacher, with her nature, somehow got me out of that shell. Soon enough, Let it go from Frozen came around. My teacher knew the range fit me. I remembered finding it on Movie Star Planet, a website 2 days before. So after lisining to it two times I got the gist and started singing along. It was the song that bought me out of my shell. That's why I have the lead in the school play today I belive. Because it showed me to let it go. My name is Julie and this is my story.

This is true. This is my story, and in hope you like it. -Julie

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