Salem in Stampy's lovely world

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Salem P.O.V.

Welcome to Stampy's lovely world! The sign read. I couldn't believe I was here! After so many times seeing it on my computer screen at home, Amy decided to invite me to a party. I ran over to the tree train, got in a mine cart and rode off. I remembered seeing this is Amy's video for me. I got off and ran to the house, "where is the club house again?" I asked myself scratching my jet-black hair. "Maybe down stairs?" I thought. I walked in, "oh notch, where am I?" I looked around at the ink sacks in idem frames. Hmm this looks strangely familiar. I turned around to leave when I saw a squid staring at me in the doorway with his mouth wide open.

"Lee? Do you know why there is a hot girl in my room?" The squid asked. I blushed.

"Uhh, no." A Scottish voice echoed as a bear appeared.

"Sorry," I said. "I'm Salem, Amy's sister and I was looking for the club house."

"Oh yeah, Amy said her sister was coming!" The bear I assumed was Lee said.

"Oh yeah, we'll show you!" The Squid said. I followed them upstairs. To a room with music and Cake, I looked around, enchanted by the things I was seeing!

"SALEM!!!!" I heard Amy yell running toward me.

"AMY!" I yelled. We hugged.

"I missed you so much!" She said.

"I missed you too." I said. We stopped hugging and she introduced me to her friends. The squid was actually called Squid. Well iBalisticSquid actually but you know. Stampy calls him Squid Nugget and Amy calls him Nugget Face. I laughed at her calling him that. The bear, as I thought, was named Lee, or Lee bear. Amy's friends Sqaishy and Netty were nice. Netty happened to be Stampy's sister, though I should have suspected, she was a pink cat as like he was an orange cat. The cake was really good; I could see why Stampy likes it so much. Netty put a slow song in the Jukebox. "Oh no." I thought. "I am not a good slow dancer." As if she had read my mind Amy said

Don't worry, we don't judge." with a smile. I giggled. "A mermaid and a human girl, who would have thought we were sisters?" I watched my sister dance with Stampy, I looked over at Finball and Sqaishy. "Are they flirting?" I wondered. I looked out the window to see Lee helping Netty with her archery skills. I was about to join them when I was tapped on the shoulder. I turned around to see Squid,

"May we?" He asked gesturing to the dance floor.

"If you want to Squidy." I said. He smiled and took my hand and led me on to the dance floor. I saw Amy laying one hand on Stampy's chest and another around his neck. I smiled and put my hands around his neck and he put his tentacles around my waist. I closed my eyes and lay on his chest. When the song was done I opened them smiled at Squid. I ran over to see what I could put in. "Yes, my favorite song!" I said aloud. I Popped in the cd. It was a fast song but I loved it. Thousand miles.

"What song?" Squid asked putting his tentacle around my shoulders.

"Thousand miles." I said leaning on his chest.

"That's a good one." He said as it started to play.

** Later**

When the party was over Amy showed me where the guest rooms were. We started rolling on our beds. Netty came in.

"Whooo what's happening here?" Netty asked.

"Notch I'm in love!" All of us said at the same time. Netty giggled and rolled us. With that, it is only the beginning!

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