"Oi, old man, what's your problem, calling me here when I was having fun with some humans? Just because you don't have anything else to do besides stand with all your sick groveling human subordinates, it doesn't mean we've got nothing else to do," I spat as I came to stop in front of him.

"Envy, calm down. Pride has some very important information to tell us," spoke Dante sama. "What information do you have for us, Pride? I hope it is something that would be useful to us."

With a scoff, I moved to lean against the French windows on the side of the library.

"Dante sama, I believe we don't have to depend on the Fullmetal brothers anymore." Pride's words had me eyeing him with a narrowing gaze. He was in a good mood, smiling while he spoke. "We had a very interesting candidate during the State Alchemist Qualification Exam yesterday. She got selected even, because of how powerful and skillful her alchemy is."

"A girl?" I questioned with obvious amuse. "You're telling us that a stupid girl is better than the Fullmetal? Let alone passed the tough exam?"

"Yes," he answered. "I was quite impressed by her ease of using alchemy. It is similar to what the Fullmetal uses, in fact, though something about her seems tougher."

If what he said was really true, I had to see this human for myself. I was curious now and I wanted to see if she was really as good as Pride said...based merely on seeing her perform alchemy just once.

"Is that so? Then perhaps we can lead her to create the Philosopher Stone for us – if she is stronger than the Fullmetal boy, as you seem to have deduced, she's probably just as good as Hohenheim of Light."

"Don't mention that b******'s name in front of me!" I snapped, feeling intense anger bubble within me. I loathed that man with every fiber of my existence, that man who threw me away for some human and fathered those two b*******, even though he had always said he loved me more than anything else in the world! I despised him and wanted to kill him when I finally found him, I hated that he chose those two over me who he said he loved the most. The very fact that I was the son of someone like him when I was still human disgusted me. The day I found him would be the day he would die at my hands.

That traitorous b******!

"Calm down, Envy," said Dante sama, her tone nearly nonchalant and annoying me more. Her aloof attitude towards everything often vexed me. What could she possibly understand about us Homunculi despite having been with us for so long? No matter what, we were still outcasts, hiding and exploiting humans for our survival and earning fear and hatred from the latter just because we were different.

With a scoff, I looked away again, filling my mind with thoughts of slaughtering humans – it relieved a bit of my anger but also amused me. The way they blindly trusted each other when each clearly had hidden motives was nothing short of a joke. It was even more bewildering that they wished for company, no matter how fake, because they would get betrayed in the end, just like me. Their cheeriness and smiling irked me every single time, their holding each other's hands and talking away merrily like they had no care in the world making me wish to turn them into expressions of fear instead. On that note, the initial interest I had in the girl faded.

"This girl's appearance could not have been better," spoke Pride, shattering my train of thought. "We can use her without much concern for she has no family. I heard that she has been travelling alone for very long and after an incident recently, she is suffering from amnesia, unable to recall her home or anything else I could consider important. Besides, she's been hesitant about using alchemy because she's never been appreciated for it. We could use some flattery to get her on our side."

Heart of a SIN - FMA Envy Fanfic [Edited]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz