Fire Wall Rojo

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Trying to make up for the fact that I didn't update for three months. Don't be afraid to comment but for warned i don't like too much sass. Thank you all for reading this! It really makes my day.

'We have a big but problem Bubba," was the first thing that Fionna said to me this morning before class. Only a golden wave of her bangs could be seen of  her gorgeous hair. The rest of it was in there favorite place in Aaa, tucked in the cozy warm space of her signature white hat.

"I actually don't see the problem here. I am having a splendid morning." Spending time with Marshall just baking, laughing, talking was like a dream. I would have never imagined that i day after my father returning home I would be this cheerful. Yeah so maybe i was still on some kind of affectionate high but it felt so good. 

"Sorry to crash down on your little mind party," I couldn't help but blush a little at the thought of being caught, "but the banana has got to be peeled."

"For sugar sake, what is it Fiona?" She was adding too much suspense and i couldn't take it anymore.

"Some one has been attacking your social media accounts Gumball." Her tone serious as she said these words.

"What?" I said with a tilt of my head. 'Attacking' sounded a bit too strong of a word choice. "What do you mean by that Fiona? If someone is cyber bullying me, i will just report it and be done with it."

"But it's much more that that. This dude or dudette is bein' straight up junk jerk to you by using your account calling you names and saying you should take ownership of what you started and how you can't end things as you please." She rambled on stewing in her fury.

"Threats have been made?" I said matter of factually.

'You bet your buns they have!"

"No need to be alarmed Fiona. If this person wants to have a tech fight with me, they have another thing coming" I smiled at her, giving her false reassurance. However, i was nervous. who was this person and how did they know so much about me? About my father's company? I had to clean this up quick. Was if it's someone at school who is doing this? One of father's many scorned company partners perhaps? I went through the school day looking right and left, There was this feeling on my shoulders. I was being watched.

One of my classes i had a study period. Nothing about English i was worried about (plus I was way ahead of the readings). So i decided to investigate. A person did seem to be accessing my social media accounts. posting statuses insulting my fickleness. Expressing how my love deprived heart resulted and desperation and any boy would do. Frankly it was insulting my own sexuality. If i was a slut. why would they care my own sexuality is known of their business. So if i want to flirt and sleep around i have the right to because it's my body and none of their business, thank you ery much!

Pictures of me in my recently more casual attire popped up with their noted on them too. Apparently i have changed and have become 'immodest' with 'sleazy attire' that was somehow infected upon me by the company I keep. Yes i did change my sweater vest office clothes style to a more relaxed retro feel.

The person always tags 'your beloved admirer with a heart that has x through it. I look up the symbol. Seeing if it has any past cases. Thinking that it could possibly be a signature of some sorts

Apparently it was. Five other victims from the same 'admirer' showed up with the exact same signature and name. Except these cases where more developed than his. Apparent stalking and vandalism was documented in the posts. though they all started just the same.

Three boys and two girls. All with different looks, it appeared that all had kind personalities and an interest in music, but that was vague. One man was gay, one bi, and the final one was pansexual.

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