Chapter 5

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Lauren's POV

How on earth could I have done that? Was I not thinking properly? I run over the one girl I'm actually interested in, good job Jauregui, she's probably swooning right now.

I keep mentally beating myself up the entire walk home. At least I had enough decency to offer her to help fix her up, I know she easily could have done that herself, but I'm grateful she will let me do it. Maybe now I'll get the chance to properly make it up to her, maybe even take her out. Not on a date though, a girl like her would never want to go out with someone like me.

It's not just the fact that I'm a girl, which I must admit doesn't always do me a favor, I also somehow have a reputation of sleeping around. Funny thing is, I've never been with a girl, like at all. I've never been out with one, never kissed one, hell, I've never even held hands with a girl after the age of 7.

Back in 10th grade, someone started a rumor about me, saying 2 of their friends had been played by "Lauren" and other, worse things that I don't even want to think about. Everyone automatically assumed it was about me and I lost a ton of "friends", because they didn't want to be associated with a "slut".

If it weren't for Ally, my personal miniature sun, to shine light on everything, things would've been a whole lot different.

The conversation has been quiet since we started our walk together, a wave of guilt almost washes over me for zoning out and barely acknowledging her presence this entire time. As soon as I notice her being deep in thought, I let her be and don't bother breaking her musings.

It's an incredibly beautiful day, when I'm skating to school I never really notice my surroundings, I'm too focused on what's in front of me. I should come outside more often to just take in all the things the outside world has to offer.

It's so quiet and serene that I can actually hear birds chirping, some leaves are falling slowly to the ground, the soft wind causing it to twirl and dance in the air. A squirrel swiftly climbed up a tree and hid between the twigs and leaves. I sigh in content; this moment is just so perfect and calm. It's so perfect; it wouldn't surprise me if it came straight out of a corny romance movie.

The closer we get to my house, the more nervous I get. The palms of my hands start to feel clammy and my fingers start to fidget with wheels of my skateboard.

I shouldn't feel so nervous, she's just a girl, I should know how to simply talk to her, right? It can't be that difficult, I just have to keep my cool.

"This is it," I say pointing towards my house. We walk up to the front porch together, from the corner of my eye, I can see her checking out the house. It's one of the bigger ones in our neighborhood and people like to look at it a lot for some reason. To me, it's not that special. It's just a house, it's my home and that's it. I couldn't care less about the size of it.

I fumble a little with my keys before I manage to open the door and step aside. "Ladies first," I say taking a bow. I'm not good at talking to people I barely know, so I hope acting like a dork will make her feel more comfortable around me. Most people tend to feel awkward or less comfortable around others when they are being too serious. Since I don't want her to feel uncomfortable around me, I'm going for the more fun approach.

"Why, thank you," she replies, squatting a little with her legs crossed and gathering her invisible skirts.

Yup, acting like a dork definitely was the right choice. Now Camila doesn't even need to try to fit in.

I chuckle and make my way inside the house after Camila, closing the door behind me. "So, this is my house. How about I fix your knee first and after that, I'll show you around the house," I say giving her a small smile. It might seem a little weird showing her around my house, seeing as I met her not yet 20 minutes ago, but I plan on staying in contact with her, so I might as well get it over with.

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