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"What time is it?" Theo asks me.

I take my phone out and check the time. "It's 6:00."

"Whoa already?" he responds.

"Yep." I reply popping the "p". I wish he could just leave. It might sound a bit rude but honestly I hate it when I have to socialise.

We've only completed half the story and if he's planning to leave at dinner time which is now, were going to have to meet again. Great.

The door creaks open and Gloria's face pop through entrance.

"Dinner's ready." she announces looking over at Theo.

Theo closes his notebook and looks at me, "Well I'd better be going now."

Before I can reply Gloria butts in, "Oh don't go, you can join us for dinner."

No! Why?

I look over at Gloria who is glaring at me. Her face says, "Don't you dare mess this up."

Theo smiles at me and then looks over at Gloria, "Great."

She smiles back and says, "Call me Gloria." before going back downstairs.

We both make our way downstairs and take a seat on the dinning table.

I sit across from Theo and Gloria sits in between us.

We all start to eat our dinner.

"So," Gloria starts looking up, "How did you two meet?"

"Oh um, me and Destiny didn't really know each other but when we got paired up for an English assignment, we got started getting along." Theo says looking up.

"Well what do you now? You've got a friend Destiny!" she says looking at me with happiness.

"We're not friends."

"We're not friends."

I look over at Theo realising that I had spoken at the same time as him. He gives me a forced smile.

At least he understands.

"Oh." Gloria mumbles.

We continue to eat our dinner and soon we're all finished.

I help Gloria put the dishes back while Theo goes upstairs to get his stuff.

He walks into the kitchen with his school bag hanging from his right shoulder, "Well I'd better go."

"It's been a pleasure meeting you Theo." Gloria hugs him. He has a surprised expression but hugs her back.

"You too Gloria."

Theo looks over at me and smiles.

"Destiny, walk him to the door." Gloria says and goes back to washing the dishes.

I sigh and take him to the front door.

I open it and Theo walks out. But before leaving he turns around and smiles at me once again.

"This was fun." he says.

I just smile and nod, not knowing what to say.

He turns around and makes his way home as I close the door.


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