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I enter roll call early and sit close to the back.

I take out my phone and open up a game. I continue to play for about ten minutes when the door creaks open.

I look up and see the girl who was in my English class.

My eyes follow her as she walks to the very back of the class. Her head down. She takes a seat and stares at her desk. Not doing anything.

There are only five people in the class. I wonder where the rest is.

Probably come last minute.

The teacher sits at the front of the class. Taking a sip of her coffee and looking at her phone. Typical. This school is exactly the same as my old one.

I stand up and walk to the girl's table. I take a seat beside her.

She seems tense. Agitated.

"Hey," I say. She doesn't reply, "It's Destiny right?"

She still doesn't reply.

"You're very quiet."

No reply.

"Are you alright?"

No reply.

"So tell me, what happened in English yesterday?"

At that she looks up and snaps, "None of your business!"

I raise my hands, "Woah, I'm not trying to accuse you or anything. I'm just curious."

"Leave me alone." she says.

I put my hands down. "No, I need an answer."

At that she stands up and walks to another table.

I sigh.

What's up with her? I was just curious. Why did she say that her parents are dead? Couldn't she say something else?

"Okay class. I know that it's the beginning of the year but I have your first assignment." Mr Hampton announces.

I roll of groans goes around the class.

I didn't really mind. I liked English. It was the only thing I was good at. Except Shakespeare, I hated Shakespeare. Ew.

"This will be a pair activity," wait what did he say? "I will choose your partners and both of you will have to write a short story based on one of these categories." he says holding up a piece of paper that had a list of different topics.

Kill me now.

"These are your partners," he continues.

"Emily and Winston."

"Claire and Jacob."

"Liam and Gage."

"Shane and Brittany."

"Theo and Destiny."

What?! Me and Theo? Out of all people? Why couldn't he put me with a girl?!

I look up at Mr Hampton to find him staring at me. He gives me a look that says, "I know this isn't what you want but give it a chance."

Great, just great!

After Mr Hampton finishes pairing everyone up he continues to talk, "Now everyone, please stand up and sit with your partners. And remember, this assignment cannot be done in class. Both of you should figure out when to meet up."

I inwardly groan.

This can't be happening.

I wait for Theo to come. Ok let's make a plan, I'll just do all the work and we won't have to meet up or anything. I'll give in the story and we'll both be happy.

I feel a presence next to me. I look up to see Theo staring down at me with a smile.


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