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"Move out of the way, Freak!" a random girl shoves me, making me drop my books. She walks ahead without a second glance.

I sigh and crouch down to pick up my books.

Usually this would be the part when an extremely good looking guy offers to help you. And after that you invite him to have lunch with you. It would all escalate. You both meeting up and hanging out. And then both of you will end up falling in love.

Wouldn't that be a great fairytale?

But this isn't a fairytale. This is something much worse.

This is Life.

And in life, nothing goes the way you plan it.

I enter my English classroom and sit in my usual spot. At the back.

I had to convince my auntie to not drop me off. She was concerned. A lot.

Ever since my parents died. She noticed how I had been acting different. And she tried to do so many things to fix me. But one day I completely burst.

I told her that I liked being this way. That this is who I am. And I like doing what I do.

She let it go after that. But she still tries to take every opportunity for me to socialise.

Because I, in fact, am a loner.

My friends had left me when I changed. They hated the new me.

At first I was completely torn. I mean how could've I handled it? My parents had died, I was depressed and then I lost my friends. Who could cope with that?

I then moved on.

But deep down. My heart is scarred. It's black. It has cuts and scars on it.

The bell rings breaking my web of thoughts. First period has started.

Mr Hampton enters the class as the last student walks in. He stands behind his desk and eyes everyone.

"Senior Year. It's exactly the same as any other year. So don't expect me to be any different either. You will all get the same amount of exams and assignments." he announces.

"Before we start our first lesson. I'd like to welcome a new student. Who will now be attending Milton High," what a typical line. "Could Theo Whitby come to the front?"

A boy dressed in a black jacket and dark jeans, stands up. He walks to the front and faces the class.

I study him. Dark messy hair, defined jawline and emerald eyes. He's not so bad. And tan skin, built body. Probably has all the girls swooning over him by now.

"Theo, could you please tell us one thing about yourself." Mr Hampton says. Seriously?

"Well, I'm a guy." he replies making everyone burst out in laughter. Except me.

"This is not a good first impression, Mr Whitby. Answer seriously."

"I have a passion for writing." he replies. Really?

"Thank you. Now, we will go around the whole class and each one has to say their full name and one thing about them." Mr Hampton says.

Every single person says their name and one thing about them. I sit there struggling to say something.

"Ms Williams, what about you?" Mr Hampton calls out.

I snap out of my thoughts and look up to see everyone staring at me, including Theo.

"Um, my name is Destiny Williams and I..." I try to think of something to say. "I um...I..."

"We don't have all day, Ms Williams. Just say it."

So I say the first thing that comes into my mind.

"And my parents are dead."

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