f o u r

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"What on Earth happened?" Mr Hampton walks up next to me looking down at Theo.

"I don't know sir, I was writing and then I looked to my left and saw him falling." I replied.

Mr Hampton bends down and checks his pulse. "He has just fainted," he stands up and turns to me. "Go to the nurse and tell her what happened. I'll send two boys to bring him there."

I point to myself, "Me, sir?"

"Yes Destiny, you have to do it." he replies looking up.

I slowly nod my head and turn around to grab my bag. I am going to kill Theo.

"And Destiny," he calls out. "Stay there with him."

I nod. After packing my bag I leave the classroom and head to the front office.

I walk up to the nurse, "Can I help you?" she asks.

"Um...my classmate collapsed during the lesson. Mr Hampton sent me here. He said he just fainted."

"Okay, where is he?"

"Um two boys are going to bring him up here soon." I reply.

"Okay just take a seat while your friend comes." she says leaving the room.

I take a seat next to the hospital bed.

He is not my friend.

I slowly open my eyes to a white ceiling. I sit up to see Destiny reading a book.

She looks up at me.

"Where am I?" I ask.

"You're in the sick room." she replies.

"What happened? Why am I in here?" I ask.

"You fainted in class." she looks back at her book.

"Fuck." I whisper.

"What was that?" she looks up.

"My Mom is gonna kill me."


"I've been skipping breakfast. She said if I skipped breakfast I could collapse." I answer.

"Why would you skip breakfast? Do you have a death wish?"

"It's just...problems. I can't-"

"Personal?" she interrupts. "Yep got it."


It might seem a bit awkward to her.

But I like it.

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