Week 4, Day 1

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Called: All cast

Objective: To go through all blocking and songs learned in Act 1 so far in preparation of the full run through next week

"Len! Hey, how did Friday go? Sorry I couldn't be there, my mom surprised us with a family trip."

"Oh it's fine... And the rehearsal went okay, I guess. I learned some interesting things..."

"Really? Like what."

"Just some stuff. From Dale and Madi."

"So you know they're shacking up?"

"Uh, yeah. Walked in on them making out, to be exact."

"Ugh I did that too. But they seem really good for each other, it's cute."

"Yeah I guess it is."

"Did you learn anything else? They're pretty tight lipped about the whole thing."

"I did. I learned something very unexpected."

"Well don't beat around the bush! Spill."

"Nah it's not important. Just gossip that's yet to be confirmed."

"Well once you confirm it will you tell me?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Awesome. You're the best, Lennon."

"Thanks. You look nice today."

"Thank you, you don't look too bad yourself."

"Oh, uh, thank you. That's sweet of you to say."

"It's not sweet if it's true. But hey, Bea will be yelling at me to get working soon. I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, see you."

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