Week 1, Day 3

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Called: Principle cast members in Act 1, chorus in "Guest," and any needed crew members (check with Bea for list)

Objective: To finish learning principle songs in Act 1 to begin basic choreography tomorrow (choreography with only principals, not chorus)

"Hey dude."

"Hey... Um, I'm sorry, what's your name again?"

"Dale. I'm one of Bea's little stage minions."

"Stage minions, sounds like Bea."

"I know right, she's definitely distinctive in her craziness."

"So what brings you up here to my fortress of solitude?"

"Bea sent me up to fetch you. It's the third day of rehearsal but she's acting like we're opening next week."

"Damn, I thought I had snuck away without detection."

"Then I advise that next time, you don't tell the assistant stage manager where you're going."

"Oh Len... I should've known she would be my undoing."

"Yes, the famous Lennon. The one that is your destiny."

"Excuse me?"

"Oh, sorry, no one's explained showmances to you yet."


"Romances that happen during shows. There's usually one that it is more public and central then the rest and we're all betting that you and Len are it."

"This is probably the weirdest conversation I've ever had."

"Sorry dude but we theater people take showmances very seriously."

"Well is there anything else I should be aware of?"

"Too much to tell you before Bea realizes that you're not on your way to take her orders."


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