Week 3 Day 4

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Called: Everyone involved in "The Mob Song"

Objective: Learning "The Mob Song"

"Len, are you okay?"

"Look at them!"

"Madi and Eric? This again? Come on, Len, you need a hobby."

"I'll get one once I figure this whole mess out."

"Get up off the floor, you look like an idiot."

"But this is how I can see them best."


"Dale, I'm telling you, they're together and Eric is lying to me about it."

"And what does it matter to you if they're together? Or that he might be lying about it?"

"No reason."

"Fine, you have me interested. Explain."

"You have to get on the floor first."

"All right. Now explain."

"Just look at them! They're obviously together and when I asked Eric, he said that he thought Madi was taken and that she had a secret boyfriend. But I think he's the secret boyfriend."

"And what makes you say that?"

"It's a gut feeling."

"Okay then. Best of luck in your endeavors."

"You'll thank me when I'm right."

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