Week 1 Day 2

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Called: Principle cast members in Act 1, chorus in "Be Our Guest," and all crew needed by the stage manager (Bea)

Objective: To start working on solos and other principle songs in Act 1 (singing, not dancing) and to have the chorus start learning their parts in "Be Our Guest"

"You're back!"


"Come on, it's not that bad. I'm here."

"I don't even know you."

"Harsh, dude. Harsh. I'm going to go over here then."

"Yeah, just go hide in the tech booth like a coward."

"And you say you don't know me."

"Len! Come over here, I've got some people for you to meet."

"Coming Bea."

"Okay, guys, this is my second in command, Len. Len this is Anna, Dale, Janelle, Kate, Madi, and you've met Sophie. And you know her twin, Eric."

"Yeah, I have. I think Eric's hiding in the tech booth."

"Gee, I'm shocked. Come on Bea, let's go find him. We need him to be ready for rehearsal to start."

"Have fun you guys."

"So Len, I'm Janelle. It's nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too."

"And I'm Kate, we're both department heads and everyone else here is part of the basic stage crew. They're going to get what we have of the set ready for rehearsal now. Technically you're in charge of us but Bea already let us know you're just here for show."

"Yeah, you're basically free to do whatever."

"If you want, you even just hang out in the booth with your boyfriend the whole time."

"My boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend."

"Then what's the deal with the sound dude?"

"There's no deal with the sound dude. I only met him yesterday and that's because we're forced to be here."

"Uh huh."



"You thinking what I'm thinking?"


"Wait, what's going on?"

"You guys just seemed to have a connection."

"Yeah, no."

"Uh, yeah."

"You know, we have a word for this sort of thing around here. It's more common than you might think."

"Oh really."

"What's that sarcastic comment for? How we have a word for you and Eric's thing around here? Or that it's more common than you think."


"Well we're just going to ignore that. Tell her, Kate."

"Okay so when we see two people, cast or crew, they're usually two of the same group because actors are notoriously needy and techies aren't very good with that, who seem to be getting cozy and then they get together during the production of a show, it's called a showmance."

"So it's basically when two people are hooking up during a show."

"Sometimes dating too."

"But even if there's more than just, um, physical contact..."

"It usually doesn't last past the production and performances of the show."

"And you're assuming that..."

"That you and Eric will be a showmance, yes."

"That's ridiculous, we just met."

"All the better! Showmances exist because the two people are forced together in a confined space for a consistent amount of time. Plus the darkness of the backstage and the late nights... It's lethal."

"You guys are insane."

"Maybe so. But you'll see that we're right eventually. Even if it's not you guys, someone in the show will have a showmance and it'll prove our point."

"Whatever. As long as it's not me."

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