Week 6 Day 4

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Called: Everyone in Act 2

Objective: Going over as many songs as possible (with choreography)

    "Hey Len. It's nice to see you without your face stuck to Eric's."



    "Bea, I think I made a mistake."


    "I think I made a mistake getting involved with him."

    "What are you saying?"

    "I don't think I can do whatever I've been doing with him anymore. I have to break it off."

    "Where is this coming from? What happened?"

    "I was just thinking about how I've never had a boyfriend before and how this is all new and everything. And then I started panicking. Like what if it's a good thing I hadn't had a boyfriend or anything? I liked the idea of not worrying about exes or past memories. But if I get involved with Eric-"

    "You lose that. Len, don't even worry about it. You like Eric, he's a great guy. He may not be the love of your life but you care about each other. You're too young to worry about anything else."

    "Bea, my parents met in college and fell in love. They hadn't dated anyone else seriously before each other. What if me being with Eric makes me miss my chance to have that? Like I'll meet the real perfect guy but I'll still be hung up on him."

    "So what? If there is only one guy in the world that is perfect for you, then he'll still be around when you're done being stuck on Eric, if that even happens. Besides, who knows if Eric will last? There's plenty of time for your heart to be broken."


    "Oh, honey, Please don't cry. It'll all be okay, I promise."

    "I just don't know what I want."

    "Shh... It's okay. Just do what you feel is right. I'll support you."

    "Thank you. You're a good friend."

    "I learned from the best."

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