Welcome and Explanation

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Hello everyone,

I know, it wouldn't be a story by me without some kind of long and lengthy note, right? And I'm very sorry about that but it always makes me feel better to know that we're all on the same page.

Anyway, if you're a reader that started out on JTH and then headed over here: glad to see you! I'm happy to know that you were willing to jump over to this story as well. If you're a new reader that just found their way here: welcome! I'm always happy to meet new readers and hear your feedback. Feel free to vote (or don't) or comment (or don't) and know that I reply to all comments. Sometimes it takes a few days (my phone doesn't always let me so I have to get to a computer first) but I always do :)

Showmance is my second book on this account and unlike JTH, it is a dialogue story and nothing else. It's been in the works for a while and I'm very very excited about it.

As you might have known if you read JTH and actually read my a/n (it's okay if you don't), you know that I am a theater geek through and through so you probably aren't surprised that I'm writing about a high school theater and their romances lol but if you don't, now you know.

This story will be 62 chapters, from the part labeled "Definition" on, and they'll follow the production of a high school show. The main characters, as you will know from the summary, are name Len and Eric and I love them dearly.

I know that in some dialogue stories it can be confusing to figure out who is talking but I try to fix that for you guys. So here is a little key for you all:

Bold will always be Eric.

Italicized will always be Lennon/Len.

Regular will be everyone else.

One last thing on the formatting of the story. At the beginning of each part there will be a short quote or little section. The chapters whose titles are "Week _, Day _" will start with who is called to that rehearsal and then the objective of that rehearsal. Every other chapter will be a quote from someone in the show with the name of whoever said it. Got it? Good.

It will be updated every Tuesday and Saturday (today is this chapter and then one very short one) and JTH will continue to be updated Sundays and Thursdays so you'll have a total of four updates a week from me! Isn't that exciting?! And I have Showmance completely outlined and almost all the way written (I like writing in big chunks) and JTH is almost completely outlined and mostly written so they'll actually be regular updates :)

Hope this helps you all and if you have any questions about this story (may they be technical or even just "where did you get the inspiration for this?" or something similar) just comment below or whatever chapter you're reading at the time!

Happy reading,


P.S. Oops! Almost forgot. I can't guarantee what the pictures will be with each chapter, but each video to go with it will be a song from a musical (today's is "Belle" from Beauty and the Beast, I love musicals so this will be easy for me and if you hate musicals then you have the wrong story).

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