Hunter's POV

Once we put Harper to bed, Liddy and I curl up on the couch together and start to make some plans.

"I can't believe we can finally pick a wedding date!" She says smiling from ear to ear.

"Me either. I didn't tell you because I didn't want to upset you, but I was afraid they were going to ask us to wait a year before we announced that we were engaged then strongly recommend that we wait at least another year before getting married."

"No way! Why did you think they would make us wait so long?"


"Because that's how long they "suggested" Renee and I wait."

"Oh my God, if they had asked that of us, I would have been almost 31 years old!"

"I realize that, so that's why I asked Betsy to talk to management about it. I'm sorry, I probably should have asked for your permission before sharing the details of how difficult it's going to be to get pregnant." I reach for her hand. "Are you mad at me?"

"No, I'm not angry with you. I just wish things didn't have to be so complicated. I really hate that you want more children so badly and that there's no guarantee that I will ever be able to give you any."

I can see she's hurting so I move closer and wrap her in my arms. "Babe, I love you. Please don't beat yourself up over this. There's never any assurance that any woman can get pregnant."

"Well, you'd have a lot better chance with over 50% of the woman out there." Tears are starting to form in her eyes. "Hunter, I'm really scared. I've been scared for a while and haven't dared tell you. I don't want to be the reason that you can't have any more children and that Harper could be an only child."

I wipe away her tears and kiss her forehead. "Don't even think that way. There are lots of options for us. I know because I've been doing some research myself. If IVF doesn't work we could use a surrogate or we can adopt.  So please baby, don't worry."

"But I don't think you have any idea how complicated and how long this will take. I'll need to give myself shots to stimulate egg production and that may be awhile, since I only have one ovary. Then they'll need to retrieve the eggs and fertilize them with your sperm and IF we are lucky to have several that become embryos then they implant them in me and"

"I know all this. I told you. I've been doing research. When we're ready, we'll find the best specialists on infertility. I'm not worried at all. I don't want you to be."

"I wish I had your optimism."

"That's okay, I have enough for both of us. I just know that in less than 2 years our family will be larger." I smile.

"Oh yeah that reminds me. Did you read that they like to implant 2 embryos and IF both take we could have twins!!! Would you want that?"

"I will be happy no matter what. Whether we have one or two, boy or girl, conceive with IVF or use a surrogate. I just know that together we will make it work."

"You are so sweet. I love you so much." She says before kissing me.

"So are you okay, now? Can we start looking at dates for the wedding or do we still need to talk about this some more?"

She smiles at me. "I'm fine. It really helped talking to you about my fears. Somehow, you always make me feel better."


Liddy's POV

I'm still extremely worried about my ability to get pregnant, but I don't want Hunter to know. He's so happy right now. I refuse to ruin the moment.

"So do you have a special month or day that you want to get married?" He asks.

"I do, but I'm pretty sure it won't work into your touring schedule."

"Well, you never know. When were you thinking?"

"It might be too soon, but I thought it would be neat to get married on the exact day we met, Sept 15th. I realize it's only 5 months away, so I totally understand if you want to pick a later date."

He takes a few seconds to think about what I suggested. "I have no problem with it only being a few months away. Heck I'd marry you today. I'm just wondering what management will think."

"Yeah, you're right. They'll definitely want us to wait. So what dates do you have in mind?"

"You know, the more that I think about it, I love the idea that we get married on Sept 15th. If you're confident you can plan the wedding of your dreams in 5 months then let's do it! I'll handle my scheduling and my label."

"Are you sure?" I asks hesitantly.

"Absolutely positive!"

I can't help it. I squeal and throw my arms around his neck and hug him. "Oh my god, did we do it? Did we just pick our wedding date?"

He laughs. "Yes, we did."

"Okay, now that we have a date we need to figure out what type of wedding we want? Do you want a large or small wedding?"

"I'd prefer a small to medium size."

"So around 100 guests or is that too many?"

"That's fine. Honestly baby, I want this to be everything you've dreamed of, so if you want a thousands guests, I don't care as long as you agree to be my wife, that's all I need."

"Are you sure? You don't have any special requests?"

"None, other than I want our families, the band and Harper there."

"Well, of course they will be there, silly." I kiss his cheek. "I really don't want a huge wedding maybe 70 people max and I'd like to have it here in Nashville, if that's okay?"

"It sounds perfect to me."

"Wow, we are really going to do this! I need to call Liz! There's so much to do and not a lot of time."

I look over at him and he's shaking his head. "What? What's wrong? Should I wait till you check with your label to approve the date?"

"Nothing's wrong. You are just so adorable right now. I love seeing you this happy."

"Happy doesn't even begin to describe how I'm feeling. I've waited 29 years to meet  my Prince Charming and to know that I'll be  marrying him in 5 months is such an unbelievable feeling. I can't even find the words."

He smiles that smile that makes my heart stop. "It's okay that you can't describe how you're feeling now, because neither can I. But on our wedding day I'd like us to try and express our feelings in our own personal vows. Are you okay with that?"

"Yes, I'm VERY okay with that."

"Oh good! Now, we only have one more decision to make. How should we announce our engagement to my fans?"


I can't believe I found the time to write this!

Thanks for reading. Hope you are still enjoying the story!

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