Clueless Brother, Clueless Friend

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Apollo's Point of View

I watched as Artemis took Briley and Ethan into the guest room. I saw the girl I recognized as Artemis' best friend sitting on her couch. I walked over and introduced myself. "Hi. I'm Apollo."

"Zoe." She said. I smiled. This girl was beautiful, I wasn't sure how I hadn't noticed her before. Her dark skin was smooth and her chocolate brown eyes seemed to read my mind. Her curly black hair bounced around her face like popcorn in a machine. Her smile seemed to melt my heart and as I walked toward the couch my legs turned to jelly. I sat down next to her and smiled back. "So what are you doing here?" She asked me.

"I knocked my foster dad unconscious..." I said beginning to trail off. Her eyes widened in shock. "He got drunk and started to come after the 3 of us and I blocked his punch and hit him back."

"Apollo, have any of you tried to report it?" Zoe asked worriedly. I shrugged.

"Not really, we were afraid that if we did anything, the 3 of us would be split up and we didn't want that. Especially not for Ethan, he needed us to be strong and being separated from him wasn't an option." I explained. Zoe leaned in to hug me. I accepted the girl into my arms, enjoying the warm feeling that erupted in my stomach. I smiled.

"Hey, I-I'm uh gonna go to bed." A voice said interrupting whatever moment Zoe and I may have been having. I looked up at Artemis and saw how her eyes had gone from the shiny silver that they normally were to a dull grey color. She seemed hurt and I didn't understand why. I broke away from Zoe and nodded at my sister. She headed into another room and I looked at Zoe curiously.

"Is she okay?" I asked. I hadn't seen Artemis like this. I had seen her broken when we were at the hospital, I had seen her upset, but she never seemed genuinely hurt, almost like it pained her to witness Zoe and I hugging.

"Yeah, it's probably just about her parents. I'm going to go check on her." Zoe said before following Artemis to wherever she went. I laid down on the couch thinking it was the best place for me to sleep that night. And I fell asleep haunted by the dull grey color of Artemis' eyes.  

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