Chapter Finale- A war for reality

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[This Chapter, for those who have read it, is a fixed point now. The only

Revan's Perspective
In the breach of saving the world, I had the vision of something untold, Ryuk, that man was involved. I saw him dropping tears as my legs were cut off. In a breach of death, I felt that Ryuk said I'm sorry Meiko, and used the cycle weapon, and launched a cycle reset to the air. Full of sad and anger, he kissed her forehead and closed her eyes, he took out a sword, and threw it up the sky. And then I saw a light that covered the world. His hair changed, and then he flew up the sky. The light fell down into everyone around the world, and then I saw it, and then my vision ended. Knowing that this would happen, I called my last resort, and activated my mercenary sign. And telepathicly sent a message to all the mercenaries, and said, -I'm mercenary One, your all-mighty number one. I had a vision, none of you twelve are in them. I'm the Judge of Fate, Revan Diloxias, and this is a command, to all of you, go and anihilate The Fallen, challenge them into a battle, I'm sure that'll end the cycles once and for all, or at least stop them from reseting.- I revealed my true form, and the rest of the mercenaries heard me, and they all knew what was coming, so all of them, all 12 mercenaries, had no choice, but to take off their safety locks, and they all used their statement powers to teleport away. Leaving us sixpaths, they all wondered what was happening. Lexie and I stayed. She moved towards me and said, "You're secret is safe with me, cappy." Blackbeard had to drive the ship and leave us, so he can join the others.

He left us at our base, down below Mount Everest. It was a cold ride, but we got there. Blackbeard cloaked the ship, and sailed through space towards the boundaries of the universe, to break them with forces of Princess Annie the Avenger, and defeat The Fallen. We ran towards the war room. I got in with the others, and saw Jer with a blindfold, covering both eyes, and says, "So After alll the pain I went through, all I had to do to stop it, was to not see. I don't need eyes to see people...So welcome back guys." Meiko gazes on Ryuk a little. An explosion happens, and we all go outside. We see a figure with its hands up channeling green like energy to the sky. Jer screams, "I doubted my instincts again. He has good timing in time perspective. It's a little early to show you guys the power of omega, but I might as well have to." He summons a red stick, and throws it to the sky. He psychically moved us back. And he whispered something. Then he started to run towards the figure. A weird capsule out of the horizon appears. It explodes and a suit of armor keeps flying and goes towards Jer. Jer runs towards the figure and then jumps on a rock and makes a somersault. He makes a backflip in the process and the armor deattaches and the parts attach individually to Jer's body. He then catches the red stick and the Xenospectrum sword appears, but only in a gray chrome, instead of red. He falls down and crashes in front of the figure. We were already on our way there as we saw portals of green like colour opening in the sky and the ground. We saw Jer and he said, "Say hello to Cosmical Omega Hundred Mechagiant Buskets, or COHMB." We all see some recognized figures and we realize the figure is Keyhorror, but only this time we saw him with the eye of eternal ages and the eye of truth. A glowy and ominous prescence fills the area, and Keyhorror says, "Mind I introduce to you people some of my comarades." Three females dressed in the same clothing but with diferent colors. "Kira, the feronian witch. Mysty, the mecorian witch. And Alkilea, the genocide witch," said Keyhorror as he took a sword out of his back. Kira looks at Arashi and says, "Did you miss me or him?" She points a dragon being mounted by Helios himself. It was no more than a reality outbreak, true chaos incarnate. Arashi saw his pendant, but it still glew with two bright lights. He said, "How can there be two?" Keyhorror laughs and says, "Paradoxes, ever heard of the Untold Paradox Statement." Jer slightly moves the sword and gets angry. Keyhorror explains, "Its a statement that says, Anything that has true eternal control, has the control over the paradoxes for it to play with. Meaning, I can make this day the day I finally kill the Seydokenshinpaku's or should I say the six lords and six path guardians." We all growl a little and go ultra, and activate our most powerful versions of us. I unlock my true chaos mode and see the seal of oricalcos surrounding my feet. I then summon the Chaox and hold it with both hands. Lexie doesn't do anything but she says, "Hey guys, I brought Friends." And a twin tailed metal dragon similar to Damami appeared with a bunch of Infyanite Heroes. "The dragon lands near her and says, "Miss Infya, I brought what you asked for." All the heroes fall down from the dragon and land on their feet. Keyhorror seemed a little curious and asked, "How did managed to extract the heros from the Infyanite Graveyard." "Same way you opened your portals, with a bit of paradox magic." Jer then says, "Good, Your brother once told me to give you this on your best hour, I guess he was right all along." He throws the Blade Gauntlet of Chaos to her and she catches it. She puts it on and takes out the True Infinity Blade. Zuke summons the Blade of Olympus with all the lightnings on him. He took it and activated God's rage. His armor that was given to him by Ultron glew in bright gold and the rainbow of lightnings. A sudden Thunder strikes aside Keyhorror and an unknown figure spawns in. "Is my help needed in this War Sir Keyhorror?" He asserts and says, "Yes Deus Ex. I found you a toy to play with." "You mean that kid in olympus armor?" "Yep." Deus Ex and Zuke Charge at each other at tremendous speeds and all you could hear was their swords clashin again and again at really high speeds. Meiko took on an orb and placed it on her belly. Alkilea looked at her and said, "Well well, isn't little sister Meiko. Do you think using a reactor seal with that earth quantum entagled singularity would help you against me?" Meiko smirks and says, "Let's find out..." And she thrusted the orb inside her and a magical force is felt throughout the process of evolution. Meiko finishes and says, "See, all new." Alkilea runs towards Meiko and sends out a Punch. Meiko uses the technique she learned from Zorah, and infinitely charges a single punch at full power. They engaged a melee battle, intensifying the earth and using techniques of earth manipulating, so they were both battling with earth. Since Alkilea was far away and meiko was too, Arashi charged his new ability solar shield. As he activates it, he also activates ascendance on the sign of almia. Lexie says, "Hey Arashi. Why don't fight fire with fire." "That's what im about to d....." He gets interupted as the metal like dragon's head lifts up Arashi and sits him down. The dragon says, "I'm Danami, the original dragon of hell. I will take my revenge as I be mounted by you." Arashi's sign of almia reacts to Ascendance and the dragon. And the dragon's skin below the metal skin starts to light on pure hellfire. A loud roar from Damami is heard. Helios says, "I may not want to destroy the world, but I would do anything to get my other me out of that crystal." "Hell to the no on taking this away." The dragons charge at each other and clash heads and started to battle, as their riders clash blades in sky. Out of the green portals, titans were overflowing the battlefield. On our side, I saw everysingle defender of midgard. Flaming Knigths, Icicle Paladins, Thunder Arch Mages, Terra Elve Healers, Infyanite Heroes, Cloud Riders, Olympus Guards, Angel Knights, Demon Fighters and everysingle person on that school, all of them where running towards war. Hiroki and Hikari activated their Mercy power and summoned the spears of Gelocolevia. The both were full on Nekonian Rage. And they directed the armies towards battle against the endless amounts of titans. Cyrus, Zephyria and Rincana were there using their full power against the endless amounts of titants. Lexie, Jer and I were left alone with Keyhorror, Kira and Mysty. Kira looks at Jer and says, "Dibs." "Pleasure to meet ya," says Jer while charging towards her. They engage on sword battle in the sky while flying. Mysty says, "I guess I have to take care of this baby then." Lexie runs towards her while taking out the Giant Shuriken of The Six Paths. They telelported and engaged battle together while teleporting a lot. Keyhorror says, "Anyones cares to give another lightshow?" I about to step up and say something I get interupted by Ryuk. He smirks a little. "I do," says Ryuk while walking slowly towards him. Ryuk starts to say, "I hate waiting you know? I had to really do pointless things and I actually never had the chance to do what I wanted until three days ago." He drops his shoulder armor down and takes of his scarf. "I took my free days after the long wait to think on a speech on what to say when this moment came." He dropped his sword down and took off his gloves. "I activated my cloking necklace right there to not be noticed, but then I ran into Innocent Hikari over there, and pretended to know nothing." He takes off his necklace and drops down his leg armors. "I showed her the book of parallelity and told her nothing else. I acted asleep as I heard their planning. And well I kinda activated the vision for the mercenaries to do their job." He drops off the chestplate and the leather vest. "I also fake'd my name, my eye color, my face details and my voice too." He takes off his necklace and takes his shirt off. "It can't be, you were sentenced," said Keyhorror while lowering his sword. "Not really, all I really did was trick all of you into thinking I was dead." "You, I remember now, I destroyed your soul, you aren't real." Two figures fall down from the sky and land on Ryuk's side. Chaox, Exius Fate, and I were there. Ready for battle. Chaox says, "Mistakes happen once, Errors are infinite, the Error of Reality Statement." He makes a handsign and distortionates and becomes something else. He turned back to Zorah. "Zorah? That's your true name huh?" "In the flesh." A figure comes from far away and then stands aside Keyhorror and says, "Hey Key, when were you going to tell me there was a party?" "Creator, shut up." Exius and Chaox said, "This one is ours." They engage battle and clash swords. "Revan, remember when I told you to keep my gauntlet when I was gone?" "No, you never said that." "That's because I hid my last resort in it, you'll never guess what's called." Keyhorror summoned a greatsword of his full power. I convert the sword into the gauntlet and pass it to Zorah. Zorah does something and takes out a metrical triangle shard out of it. "Hello baby." He gives it back to me and he calls the sword he dropped via magnetism. He placed the shard in it and the sword glew in a vibrant gray color. "Well, I brought my Riunition Sith Blade." Keyhorror said after him, "I have one a little bigger than that one." He takes out an equal piece to what Zorah had. He did the same to what Zorah did and they looked at each other and engaged on battle. I ran away, as fast as I could. I got hit with missfire and magic shots a lot, I was almost on the other side of warzone. No one was following me, and I was kind of exhausted from running 1.5 miles in minutes. I dropped my knees on the ground and fell down. I saw a gloomy dark purple eyed mummy with a metal arm, and the other arm had five rings and a bracelet on it. He had a green pendant. And he had a sword on his back. He approached me and said, "I'm Yggdrasil's Defender. I see your sins for what they made you. You're not guilty of them, therefore, I have no interest in you. Innocent." And walked towards the warzone. My mercenary bond was reacting and I felt and inmeassurable pain. I fainted and went into a comma.

I woke up, saw my leg bleeding, my mercenary bond was reacting and I was having inmeassurable pain I was weak. I flipped over and I crawled my way to see the warzone. It was calm, no swords clashing, no partals in the sky. But then I saw all the dead bodies. Then I looked and saw that same mummy, and it teleported Arashi, Zuke, Lexie, and Keyhorror away. Zorah was crying on Meiko's body. The mummy pat his shoulder and teleported away, but it dropped something. I crawled more to the warzone to see Zorah a little closer. He was saying, "All I wanted was to be with her one more time, and I was going to marry her, but you let her die, didn't you? FALLLLEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!! WHY DID YOU LET HER DIEEEEEE???" He screamed as he cried on her body. He saw what the mummy dropped. He took it and I saw it was a dice. Zorah looked on the dice and looked towards the Castle. He thought of something, but he wasn't quite sure if he could do it by the looks of his face. He charged a ball of energy and threw it to the castle. The castle exploded and I got a little blinded. I opened my eyes again and Zorah was putting on the necklace he threw away. The castle explosion revealed the Cycle Weapon. And Zorah walked towards it. I crawled a bit more to see him. He was looking at the cycle weapon and took a dagger and almost stabbed his heart. But then he threw it away. He pushed a few levers and set up a beacon of light on the cycle weapon. He teleported away and I never saw him again. I was crawling towards the cycle weapon, and I drew a seal of bound life. I bound my soul to the weapon, so I could take responsability on being the cycle trigger. In infinite amounts of pain, I saw Humans looking on all the corpses and such and they were asking themselves what happened here. It wasn't just a group of people, they were milions and millions of people. A man looked at me and said he's injured and went to help me.

Many years later....
Revan's Perspective
On the blink of Death, I saw a light, I woke up and saw Oroki reading a book. He looked older, but I couldn't measure what happened, but I knew something big happened. I look at myself and see my body in a bed, all my mechaloid parts on a table, and Reptile looking nurse. I moved up a little and saw my arm metal alike. Oroki looks at me and says, "Dude when was the last time you had a nap so long?" "What?" i say confused. "You fell into a deep comma, it's been five years since the Mystic Outbreak and well I'm still the most intelligent being on Earth." "5 years, what about the humans, what happened?" "I explained them alll I knew about the mystic world hidden below their shadows, the world accepted us med-humans and we have been living together since November 12, 2018." "What year is it?" "It's 2025, welcome to Earth, the world is now diferent thanks to me and you and few survivors of that massacre." "Zephyria? Where is she?" "She hasn't woken up, like you, she fell into a deep comma." I sat down and took my parts and put them on. Oroki took a sword and gave it to me. "It's Girahim isn't it?" I look at it and nod. I take it, put on my parts, and activate them on. I walk out the hospital room, and I walk outside. I hear the door slide back open, and see this guy, with a white jacket on and a sword on his back and a crown. He looks at me and says, "Cool sword, you like em too?" "Guess so..." I replied back to him. He then shows me the hilt and I look at it, and say, "It's called the Draco Blade isn't it?" "How do you....." He replied softly realizing the blades look similar, I knew he was going ask me lots of questions so I smiled and sat down, I had to take care of myself, If I had to take hold of the cycle trigger...Well, He certainly look young, great man to bear my sword, or is it really mine? I think it was similar to my sword now that I think about it, I just had a feeling that it was my sword because it looked a bit like it. The young man extended his hand and said, "Call me Ethan. I think I may use your help, Mr.?" "Revan, call me Revan."

To be I'm the Prince?

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