Chapter Twenty Eight

Depuis le début

"What... How..."

"These suites were built for the most special of guests. Visiting aristocrats, foreign rulers..." Victoria says this with a mocking flourish of her hand. I sense some bitterness in her voice and I get the feeling that she's had her eye on this suite for a long time. "You must be pretty important to receive this kind of treatment from the Master." I shrug, still gaping at the glamour of the entryway. Then I turn my attention to the living room, and my heart clenches in my chest. Three large couches sit in a semi-circle, all facing an expensive flat-screen television. It is off at the moment. My mother and Ariel claim one couch, and I can't help but cringe at my mom's condition. She nearly looks like a stranger: matted hair, sunken eyes, ghostly pale skin. Ariel looks just like I remember, maybe a little thinner and older. On one of the other couches Gale sits next to Josh. When they see me they smile weakly. It doesn't spread to their eyes. Matthew claims the last couch, and I suck in a breath when he turns to look at me. His dark hair hangs over his eyes and ears. Blood and bruises break his skin in so many places that I can't count them. It seems an eternity that we stare at each other, suspended in time, in space. Then his gaze shifts to his mother and he gets to his feet.

"Mom," he mutters quietly. His voice is different too. Weathered and tired. Victoria starts towards her son but he holds up a hand. "No. I think you should go." He lowers his eyes but keeps his head held high.

"Matt?" Now there's an edge of begging in Victoria's voice, an edge of fear.

"Don't call me that," he hisses, squeezing his eyes shut. His jaw tightens angrily and I see his hands shaking.

"Matthew," I mutter. He ignores me.

"Just get out." Victoria opens her mouth to reply but thinks better of it. After taking a deep breath and straightening herself, she turns on her heel and leaves the small palace, slamming the door behind her and locking it from the outside. As soon as she leaves, strength seems to leave Matthew and he sinks down onto the couch, head in his hands. An uncomfortable silence passes around the living room, and I stay put in the entryway.

"Thank you, Enna. Thank you for remembering us." Josh stands and turns toward me, eyes wide. Genuine. Everyone quietly repeats the sentiments except my mother, who is too weak to do so, and Matthew, who keeps his head firmly in his hands.

"Of course," I reply, leaning against the wall. Another bout of awkward silence passes, and I say something to break it. "How long have you all been here?"

"About thirty minutes," Gale says, stretching. "This place is huge, isn't it? There's a full kitchen, three bedrooms and two bathrooms."

"What are we doing here?" Ariel asks in her high voice. I sigh, rubbing a grubby palm down my face.

"That's the question, isn't it?" Suddenly, my mother starts coughing violently. Her body shudders four times and she slumps over, exhausted.

"She's ill. We should get her to bed," Gale suggests. "In fact, we should all rest. Who knows what we'll be forced to do tomorrow?" Gale helps my mother up the stairs, and everyone else follows her except Matthew. Once they disperse to their own bedrooms, I slowly make my way into the living room. I sink down onto the couch next to Matthew.

"I've missed you," I whisper. He slowly lifts his head from his hands and turns to face me. I watch as his eyes narrow in pain, then the corner of his lip turns upwards.

Unplugged: The Hidden World (#2, Unplugged Trilogy)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant