chapter 23

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[Faiths POV]


I could hear a muffled voice echo threw my head. where am I? am I dead? my eyes kids slowly lifted open and I found myself in a familiar room. no... I wasn't dead... Shane sat next to me, a straight face, no emotion.

"why?" he asked.

I shut my eyes feeling a tear roll down my cheek.

"you said make it stop, make what stop Faith? talk to me," he asked again.

I opened my eyes again looking down at my wrists. they had white bandages wrapped tightly around them, a bit of red showing.

"I-I could heard my parents... screaming at me... telling me I was a mistake, that, that I killed them," I sniffled.

"it was a just a run back, ok you where gone so long when you got back to your body all those memories came flooding back triggering a break down, it wasn't real," Shane explained.

I looked up at his sad eyes, "how do you know this?"

"cause it happened to me to," he mumbled, "I tried to kill myself to..."

his eyes where watery and he was looking down at his hands. I sat up and ripped the needle that was in my arm out and threw it on the floor. I sat up and wrapped my arms around his neck hugging him. we both had been threw so much I hadn't even noticed until it came back and slapped us in the face.

"let's get out of here," he said.

"and go where?" I asked.

"home..." he told me.

"but I...?"

"my house... our house," he said.

a warm comforting feeling spread through my chest, it be nice to go to somewhere familiar.

I got checked out of the hospital I had been stuck in for almost a month and Shane's mom drove us back to their house. how he convinced her to let me move in still baffles me but I was just happy I had somewhere to go.

the 3 of us all walked in the front door and a hand rested of my shoulder turning me around.

"Faith I want to give you a reading," Shane's mom asked me.

"mom that's the last thing she wants to do," Shane interrupted.

"she needs to find closure," his mom argued.

Shane opened his mouth to argue some more but I cut him off.

"it's ok, I'll do it," I said.

I followed his mom back into her little spirit room. I've seen this happen before, and nothing happens, but I think it would make me mentally feel better. I sat in the chair that sat I front of a table with a cheesy crystal ball in the center of it. Shane's mom sat on the other side of the table and reached across grabbing my hands.

"now close your eyes and think of your parents," she told me.

I did as I was told and closed my eyes.

"feel their energies around you," she said.

I took a deep breath in slowly exhaling.

"now open your eyes, what do you see," she asked me.

I opened my eyes looking at her waiting for my answer. I sighed looking around the room. I spun around in my chair and looked, nothing was their. I spun back around and looked at Shane's mom.

"I don't-" I cut my self off.

standing right behind her was a figure. it was my mom...

"m-mom?" I called out.

she stepping out a little making it easier to see her. she was smiling at me.

"it wasn't your fault Faith," she said, "you have a great life waiting here for you, so don't waist it grieving , let me go, but don't forget," she told me now standing next to me.

"but I want to forget, I want to forget all of it," I stuttered.

she laid her hand on my cheek, and I could feel it...

"but you won't," she smiled, "goodbye sweetheart".

she disappeared leaving me in the room with Shane's mom. I looked back over at her forgetting she had been their, she was smiling at me. I had found closure for my moms death...

"thank you," I told her wiping a tear from my face.

"your welcome," she said.

I left the small dark room and found Shane sitting at the kitchen table. when he seen me walk in he jumped up and came over to me placing his hands on my cheeks.

"what happened?" he asked.

"I seen my mom," I told him.

he stared at me like I was crazy, who knows maybe I am. he didn't say anything else and just pulled me into a big hug. we went upstairs and laid on his bed sitting in silence. I had my first day back at school tomorrow, I wonder how it will go...

>>>skip to next day<<<

hand in hand I followed Shane into the school bus that was in front of his- our, house and sat with him in the back seat. when we got to school and climbed off the bus I stopped looking at the front of the school. a nervous when feeling was eating away at me. I felt a hand slip into mine and give it a gentle squeeze. I looked up at Shane and he leaned in planting a kiss on my lips.

we continued through the school and Shane was walking me to my first class. when we reached the classroom I started to panic a little bit, when you've been away from reality for so long you forget how to function.

"Faith? hey look at me," Shane said noticing my anxiety, "you'll be fine, my class isn't far I'll come get you when the period ends, ok".

I nodded and he kissed my forehead before letting my hand go and walking down the hall until I couldn't see him anymore. I took a deep breath before stepping into the class standing in the door way. all eyes where on me...

"isn't that the girl in a coma?"
"I thought she was dead?"
"I heard she tried to kill her self"

I panicked and ran out of the room hearing the teacher call out after me but I didn't look back. I ran into the girls bathroom locking myself in a stall sliding down the gross wall onto the dirty floor. why did I think I would be able to do this?

an hour later the bell rang and girls where coming into the bathroom. I picked my self brushing my pants off before slowly opening the door and head down escaped the bathroom. I made my way back to my class and waited for Shane. I waited for what felt like forever until he turned the corner walking towards me. I ran over to him tears rolling down my face and slammed my self into him.

"I can't do this!" I sobbed.

"whoa whoa what happened?" he asked.

"my anxiety keeps overwhelming me, I can't sit in a classroom with out breaking down," I explained.

he moved strands of hair from my face looking into my eyes, "alright let's go".

"go where?" I asked.

"away from here," he said grabbing my hand and heading off school campus.

hey guys here's a nice long chapter I hope it was good I think theirs only 1 chapter left! I was super shocked at the good rating this book had been getting and I want to really thank you guys. VOTE and COMMENT!:)

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