chapter 19

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[Faith's POV]

There was an empty bed in front of me, the covers had been ripped off laying on the floor. I had been moved... or am I dead... Panicking now I ran into the hall way running threw a few strangers that where now covered in goose bumps. I didn't know what to do, I couldn't ask anybody, I didn't know where to go. I ran down the hall scanning everywhere for some sort of map or any thing with directions. I stopped in front of a sigh that pointed to surgery rooms.

Nervous, I followed the sign down the hall passing threw anybody that was in my way. I must of looked in 20 doors when I actually hit something, like physically ran into somebody.

"Shane?" I asked looking up at him, "What are you doing here?"

 "Tyler told me what's going on, thought you might need help," he said hesitantly.

If I wasn't scared out of my mind right now I might of hugged  the shit out of him and said I was sorry, but it will have to wait until later.

"I've looked in 100 rooms and cant find myself," I exaggerated.

"Faith, you cant loose yourself, your soul is connected to your body still. If you just focus you can always find your self, no matter where you are," Shane explained.

"OK, I'll give it a try," I told him realizing what he said made sense.

I took a deep breath before exhaling and closed my eyes. I pushed all the sounds out from my surroundings and thought of the things that make... well me. I'll never forget the mornings of hassling my thick black hair, the feeling of being alone at the lunch table during school. The black dress that I wore to the party the night of my accident and how much I loved it. Or getting nail polish on the carpet and rearranging my entire bedroom so I could cover it up. But something I will NEVER forget, was when I had seen Shane at the party that night, and realized that I loved him...

"Faith? are you ok," Shane shook my shoulder breaking me from my thoughts.

I looked around remembering where I was and what I was doing. I looked at shane and smiled at his hand still laying on my shoulder even though people walking past thought he was insane.

"Did you do it?" he asked me.

"I don't think I-" I froze.

I looked down at the blue and purple cord of light coming out of my chest. The strange cord stretched down the hall and turned the corner, people would walk through it not aware of its presence. A little freaked by it I lifted my hand up and touch it.

It felt like I had been sucked from the earth, but it didn't hurt, it actually felt good in a way. I was brought back looking down at a girl in a bed with white blankets on top. Machines next to her where beeping normally and an air tube had been placed into her mouth for she could breath. That girl was me... A nurse walked in with a tray with a needle laying on it, next to the needle was a bottle with a strange liquid in it. There was something off about the nurse that was in my room, the way she walked, how she moved so uneasy.

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